Who are you following, Jesus Christ or Jesus, the Christ?


With the name of this site and of the ministry being “End-time”, you will assume that we are religious, in particular, Christian. We are actually servants of the creator to absolutely every human being on this planet, irrelevant of their religious or nonreligious inclinations. Our ministry therefore, also covers the followers of all the 4,300 religions worldwide, but, on this site, we are for the Christians and we are here to walk with you into the coming paradise on planet earth on true Christian terms. For you to believe and see what we mean, let us start our relationship with you talking about Jesus that you believe in.  

Inside the New Testament, there is Jesus Christ (Mt 1:1,18; John 1:17; etc.), about 189 references, and there is Jesus, the Christ (Mt 16:16,20; 26:63; 1 John 2:22; 5:1; etc.), about 19 references. As a Christian, you have likely been made to believe that the two refer to the same person but they do not because the bible clearly states that they are two different people.

We are messengers of the Baba in heaven, commissioned to inform absolutely all men on this planet earth of the soon consummation of his paradise upon planet earth in this very generation that we are living in, “the time of the end”, in a few decades time. As messengers to absolute every man on earth, we cannot be, and are not, religious, which is sectional and limiting, not to mention being denominational, for you to think that we are messengers of a particular denomination teaching their doctrines.

Our introductory message on this site is that whom and what you believe in, especially in religion, eventually has a very huge consequential effect upon your eternal destiny and that is our concern, on this site, for followers of Jesus like you. Therefore, whoever you are as a Christian, we are here in your interest. The New Testament states clearly that there are huge and irreconcilable differences between Jesus, the Christ and Jesus Christ, which you do not know yet, which determine your eternal destiny, whether in the paradise with the creator or in hell with Heylel, the Devil.

The apostles, in particular, Saul of Tarsus, preached Yehoshua Ben Yosef, popular known and called Yeshua, the Aramaic appellation of Yehoshua, as “the seed of the woman” who attained an earthly life of “righteousness that tended to holiness”. Among the Jews, those who knew Yeshua, loving called him “Yeshua, holy holy man”.

In telling his Roman listeners, who were followers of the hundreds of religions in the empire, prominent among which were the spiritualists, in particular, the “divine spirituality” groups (Gnostics, Mithraism, Zoroastrianism, Buddhism, etc.), Hellenists, followers of the state pagan religion, etc., Saul preached him as such, “Yeshua, holy holy man”.

To the pagans, especially the Hellenists, referring to Yehoshua ben Yosef as “Yeshua, holy holy man”, would have meant nothing because, as pagans, they didn’t know about Yahuah, the holy creator-god, through they heard of him from the Jews in Rome. As pagans, they knew and worshipped Zeus as their Father-god and his numerous children, also as gods and goddesses, who were living and existing in the spiritual realm of the earth, and were all human in nature, character and behaviour, doing good and evil (Gen 3:5). The pagans knew nothing of living in personal “righteousness that tends to holiness”.

On the other hand, the spiritualists, especially “divine spirituality” groups, believed in the holy creator-god under different ethnic names. They were familiar with members attaining and living in personal “righteousness that tends to holiness”, and, among the African-Egyptian spiritualist groups, such a member was classified and termed KRST (pronounced Krest). On the basis, they naturally termed Yeshua ben Yosef, a KRST (pronounced Krest) and would have referred to him as Yeshua, the KRST (Krest), the equivalent of Saul’s “Yeshua, holy holy man”.

The Jews called Yeshua ben Yosef, Yeshua, which the English turned to Joshua, but the Romans, being not used to pronouncing the last letter of their names, would have pronounced Yeshua, Yeshu, which, in their language is written as Iesous, the ending “s” not pronounced. So, in Rome, the spiritualists called Yehoshua ben Yosef, “Yesu, the Krest”.

As the gospel gained ground in the empire, the name “Yesu, the Krest” became more popular and when the pagans began to imbibe the gospel, “Yesu, the Krest” also became popular among them throughout the empire. Eventually, when Constantine 1 decided to create a new state religion to replace Hellenism, the state official religion, to counter the very fast spreading of the gospel movement and prevent it from replacing Hellenism (not realizing that the gospel was not, and never was, a religion, not even an offshoot of Judaism), he logically and wisely decided to take over the pagan faction and through it convert the entire gospel movement into the new de facto religion of the state. Very tactical and clever.

He therefore, organized a “national” conference of all stakeholders in both western and eastern Roman empires at Nicaea in AD 325, 300 years after their forefathers murdered Yeshua, the Krest, in cold blood in Jerusalem and all who knew the original gospel truth and could give the correct account about the young man and his teachings, had long gone become the soil of the earth, and the truth had been changed, modified, distorted and replaced by old wives versions, and formed the new state religion named Christianity by Constantine, and named The Roman Catholic Church by Licinius, the emperor of the eastern empire.

The organisers, who became the fathers of Christianity, were logically all Romans, and worse still, pagans, who hadn’t the foggiest idea of who Yeshua was and what he preached, in compiling the Hellenism-based Christian teachings, the New Testament, therefore, had to make do with the few parchments with the gospellers, which were spiritual and not religious in content and teaching, which naturally and logically created the huge problem of presenting Yesu, holy holy man, a mere human being who was merely righteous, as a god to be worshipped to the people and in their documentations. This meant their having to amend the truth into pagan form for it to be acceptable to their people at large.

Saul, who brought the full explanation and teachings of the gospel movement to Rome, taught Yehoshua ben Yosef, Yeshua, the holy holy man, who, as “the seed of the woman”, successfully “bruised the head of the serpent", through successfully living in “righteousness that tended to holiness”, taught and demanded that his followers live the same life of “bruising the head of the serpent” through personally living in “righteousness that tends to holiness”, which is termed “becoming Krest” among the Romans, a term that he fondly used in his epistles to the Gentiles, spiritualists and pagans, instead of the more official Hebrew term “’yashua’ (deliverance, rescue or salvation) from “peyshaim” (evil, the spirit of disharmony)” (Orthodox Jewish Bible, Mt 1:21) or “being born again”.

This was the original teaching of Saul in Rome in line with Yeshua’s teachings, which remained among the spiritualists, even after Constantine formed Christianity and made it the empire religion. To tell their pagan populace to become Krests, which would have meant to stop believing in and worshipping gods and thereby kill paganism totally in their minds, became a big problem for Constantine and the fathers of Christianity.

So Constantine and the fathers of Christianity had to twist the truth of the gospel into what you see in the NT, the father-god (which they were used to), sacrificing his only begotten son in atonement for their sins (which they were fully familiar with and used to in paganism). By this, they turned the gospel of becoming the likeness of the creator through “righteousness that tends to holiness”, being born again, “divine spirituality”, which is not religious, into a religion of a father-god, sacrificing his only begotten son in atonement for their sins, receiving “imputed (not real) righteousness” through forgiveness of sins, instead of “yashua (deliverance) from peyshaim (human nature of evil)”. Do you see the difference?

To escape disapprovals of the tale in the NT that might come from the Jews and the spiritualists, in particular, “divine spirituality” groups, the fathers of Christianity, in their documentation, the NT, ensured that God, the father of Jesus, has no name throughout the NT, so you cannot argue that the NT god is the Jewish god, Yahuah. Also, the gospel preacher, Yehoshua ben Yosef, murdered in cold blood was replaced by Yesu Christos, the son sacrificed for sin, which they did by merely playing on words, turning the popular Yesu, the Krest, into Iesous Christos, thereby turning Yehoshua ben Yosef into Iesous Christos, Yesu Christ [check the original 1611 KJV bible where he was Iesus (Yesu) Christ, but later became Jesus Christ in today’s bibles when “Y” in English language became “J”].

That is the background to “Yesu, the Krest” becoming Jesus Christ. There is a catch, a serious problem, for believers in this.

The catch, the problem and our concern for us in this is like in calling a man John Carpenter and another man John, the Carpenter. Anyway you look at it, the word carpenter signifies a profession, a title, etc., and not a name. In those days, people were known more by their profession, title, attainment, position, etc., (doctor, teacher, priest, etc.) than their real names. In many case most children of very popular people, who were known and called by their profession, title, etc., eventually, without any choice, had the title trusted upon them as surname, which similarly reflects in the Jewish system of naming, for example, Yehoshua ben (the son of) Yosef. Similarly John, ben (the son of) the carpenter becoming John Carpenter. That’s exactly what the Romans did in forming Christianity, Yesu, the Krest, became Yesu Krest (Jesus, the Christ, became Jesus Christ) in the NT.

To confirm this, as you saw earlier, in about 19 instances, Yehoshua ben Yosef, as Yesu, the Krest, is referred to as Jesus, the Christ, as against 189 instances as Jesus Christ. Contextually, the personality of Jesus and the message or teaching of Saul where he is referred to as Jesus, the Christ, a mere flesh and blood human being who practised “divine spirituality”, are different from those where he is referred to as Jesus Christ, the god from heaven manifested as man and sacrificed in atonement for sins, to be believed in and worshipped as god.

Now that you have seen the difference, which side should you be on, believer and follower of the “divine spiritualist”, Jesus, the Christ (Yesu, the Krest) or in the god, God, the Son, Jesus Christ? Whichever side you are on, you are still a Christian but with a difference, going to the paradise or to hell. Let us briefly hammer home our point as follows.  

Following Jesus, the Christ, demands your living like him in “righteousness that tends to holiness”, becoming the likeness of the creator to qualify to inherit the coming eternal paradise on earth (Gen 1:26,27; Heb 12:14; Jn 3), while believing in Jesus Christ, which most people in the world do, claiming his atonement death for your endless sins that leaves you with the nature of evil that you were born with and the evil characters and behaviours you have acquired since you were born fully intact in you, meaning that you are not truly “yashua-ed” (delivered, saved) but deceived to be delivered or saved from sin, leaving the nature of evil intact in you, carrying you to hell.

This is the gravity or seriousness of the difference between believing and following Jesus Christ rather than following Jesus, the Christ (Yesu, the Krest).

Now that you have seen the Truth, you now have a singular opportunity to amend the state of your mind (belief) to truly qualify for the paradise of the creator coming upon the earth before it suddenly comes upon you in a few decades time. Think and rethink deeply on the above, which truth you may be seeing for the first time in your life, unless you have read our articles before, before it is too late and you find yourself spending eternity with Heylel, the Devil, in hell.

This is the heart of our message and mission on this site.

 (continue “Jesus Christ versus Jesus, the Christ”).