Taste of the paradise pudding.

(The first few weeks in the paradise)

From what you saw in the last article, Appreciation of the coming paradise, you ought to have gotten the feeling that living in the paradise will be a most wonderful experience. What you saw there is just the general character of the paradise as it will be in general for every one living there.

Here we want to give you the sweetest part of the paradise experience, what you will experience and what will happen to you, in the first few weeks of the inauguration of the paradise. It is going to be an experience beyond words but we want to give you a taste of it to encourage you to take the irrevocable decision that you must qualify to be there by all means.        


1. Background to this discussion.

Paradise heaven.

When the creator decided to make creation, because only he existed and absolutely nothing else existed, there were naturally no materials with which to make the paradise and the things that would be inside it. Therefore, he first had to produce the fundamental building material for all and whatever that he would create starting with the paradise, the things inside it and the creatures that would live there anew. Logically therefore, the material was going to be out of absolutely nothing, “ex nihilo”.

So he began creation by first creating the fundamental building material for the spirit realm with which he would create, form and mould everything that he would create in the spirit realm.

After creating the fundamental building material, he created the paradise where the creatures would exist with absolutely everything that would sustain the life and existence of the creatures in it forever. However, after the creation of the paradise and everything in it, it had no limit or boundary but just an open space containing a conglomeration of objects in their fundamental bodies.

The creatures.

Next he created the creatures that would live and exist in the paradise of different kinds and species with various shapes, forms and sizes with the fundamental material. After moulding them, they were naturally mere lifeless invisible creations.

To make them alive to live in the paradise, he naturally had to give them “life”. Being Eternal Life, the very “life” itself, the creator gave them “life”, not by merely infusing “life” into them but by specially dwelling in them for that purpose apart from being  omnipresent in them and everywhere, and they all became discreet, visible and recognisable living spirit creatures with fundamental spirit bodies of different kinds, species, shapes, forms and sizes.

Next, to lay the foundation of achieving his purpose of creation in the first instance of all the creatures living in absolute and perfect peaceful and harmonious coexistence with absolutely each other, in absolute freedom, independence and autonomy from him and from each other, which automatically would give him the perfect peaceful and harmonious coexistence that he desires from them with him, he imbued the entire creation of the paradise and absolutely everything in it, objects, materials and creatures, etc., with his nature of holiness. The nature of holiness made the fundamental spirit bodies of absolutely everything in it, objects, materials and creatures, etc., to glow.

Among the creatures, he made the angels more like him in nature, character and behaviour. He, being omnipresent and not discreet but absolutely invisible to absolutely all the creatures, made the angels of higher level of holiness so that they would have the ability to manage and supervise the paradise on his behalf. For this purpose too, he decided to additionally cover their glowing bodies, which were “naked”, with shinning white garment. 

The living things there that move, the creator called “souls” to differentiate them from living things of nature that sustain the existence of the souls but are immobile.

Some of these special spirit beings in heaven have the ability to take on different forms and shapes other than their fundamental forms and shapes but only temporarily and for special reasons.

Though spirit beings have extremities to perform with, they have the ability to communicate and perform by mere thoughts in the minds and therefore, don’t need mechanical contraptions as on earth.

They can move and travel at tremendous speed beyond the imagination of man to anywhere in the spirit realm by mere thoughts and therefore, don’t need mechanical contraptions to travel as on earth.

The continuous glow and shine of absolutely all creatures and objects in the paradise, animate and inanimate, in turn makes the entire paradise glow and shine as if in continuous daylight despite no artificial light like the sun there.    

The creator finally ordained the entire paradise creation such that absolutely everything in it qualifies to be there and to remain there by bearing his nature of holiness. Logically therefore, any creature that loses its nature of holiness, becoming a creature with mere fundamental naked unparadisiac spirit body, would automatically lose his glow and shine, and become unfit and unqualified to live and exist there anymore, and will result in its automatically drifting away and disappearing out of the paradise.

With these basic facts at the back of your mind, you now have the foundational facts to understand and appreciate, in our discussion below, what will happen to you personally and how you will personally feel in becoming a creature in the paradise, in particular, in your first few weeks there.

2. Your first few weeks in the paradise.

If you are lucky to be in the coming paradise on the inauguration day, your experience of what will happen there in the first few weeks will be as follows. Your experiences below all form part of the creator turning you into a paradise creature as you have seen above.

The creator will inaugurate the paradise on the resurrection day. That day will start on earth like every other day of your life. If you will enter the paradise, you will suddenly notice, at an unexpected moment during the day, that you are beginning to change. You will see the dress on you and your body beginning to change. Your dress and your flesh will begin to disintegrate and drop off like sand to the ground, you will be changing into your “naked” fundamental spirit body but simultaneously, you will see yourself, the “naked” fundamental spirit body, being transformed into a new glowing body and a new white shinning garment appearing upon your new body. You will see the same thing happening to absolutely everybody and everything on earth around you.

You will see that every problem in your body has suddenly disappeared. You will be hearing some people shouting in great joy and ecstasy that they were blind just a few minutes ago but now they could see clearly; some that they were lame and deformed but now could walk; some that they were deaf but now could hear clearly; some that they were dead and now alive again; etc.

However, you will notice that some people around you, as their body and dress are falling off, raw also changing into their fundamental spirit body becoming naked and no new dress appearing upon them and they will start fading and will disappear totally.

You will see absolutely all the other creatures, animals, birds, fishes, etc., similarly being transformed into new glowing creatures with shinning bodies.

You will see the same thing happening to the trees and nature around you, part of their bodies dropping down like sand while simultaneously the remaining part of them is being transformed, from bottom to the top, into glowing and shining trees and vegetation.

At the same time, you will notice absolutely everything inanimate objects and things made by man around you, houses and everything inside them (tables, chairs, beds, etc.), and all objects outside, houses, roads, vehicles, cars, etc., simply disintegrating, dropping down like sand and disappearing out of existence into nothing.

You will see that the whole environment has changed; the ground is glowing with no decay, dirt or filth anywhere; forests, trees and vegetation have changed into extremely beautiful garden everywhere, all the trees bearing fruits ready to be plucked and eaten; the air is very, very fresh; water is very, very clean; etc. Even you will notice that the sun is not hot but just warm and cool upon your body throughout the whole world.

Right on the spot where you are standing or sleeping, you will suddenly find yourself in a new world. After some time, say about thirty minutes to one hour, you will see that absolutely everybody around you is glowing and shining, and though very surprised and flabbergasted, that you and everybody are extremely ecstatic.       

In one word, you will find that, “in the twinkling of an eye”, you have been transformed into an angel and the present dirty and filthy world has been transformed into a glowing and shinning paradise, “heaven on earth”, forever and ever.

There is no mystery or grammar involved in it but a simple reality that the creator has planned to make to happen soon in this very generation that you are living in, “the time of the end”.

If you are fortunate to be among those that will experience this, which absolutely depends on you, you will be so extremely happy and dumbfounded that, instead of asking questions on that day about what had happened just within minutes, not an hour, you will see that you and everybody are simply just enjoying and revelling in it all, enjoying the new environment and everything in it. Your joy will be so boundless that you will begin to run round inside the forests like a huge garden, exploring every inch of it.

Thenceforth, despite your whole environment being filled with absolutely everything that you will ever need to live and exist on forever, having become an eternal being that can never die, you will hardly feel hungry or thirsty but you will eat and drink whatever you like just to keep the body fresh. In fact, with the great abundance of nature’s provisions around you, your problem may even be that of overeating, at least in the first few days. 

You will see that there is “no night” there, as you now know night as a time of darkness because when the sun goes down, it will still be almost as bright as daytime because the glow from absolutely everything in the paradise will make the place bright in the night.

Despite the excitement of all these in the first few weeks, you will see that you don’t, and won’t, feel tired at anytime and therefore, you won’t feel sleepy.    

This, in the least, will basically be how your experience in the first few weeks in paradise will look like. What you will experience and be able to do later will be far greater and more confounding than these.

For example, you will not be just a spiritual being, no more flesh and blood body, but a spirit being, an angel. Therefore, as the physicality of the earth and of the physical realm does not hinder Heylel, the Devil, and cohorts, spirit beings, from living on earth inside the seas and oceans like mermaids, so also you, as spirit being, an angel, will be able to go to the bottom of the seas and oceans in your new spirit body and stay there as they are staying there and as long as you like, even live there forever.

So also, just as Heylel and cohorts go to the planets in our solar system and into the space and can live there at will in their spirit bodies, so also you will be able to go to the moon, go to all the planets of the solar system even to the sun without space shuttle and enter inside the sun without space suit or protective gear and nothing will happen to you and you will come back safely within minutes or stay there as long as you like.

So also, you will be able to move at very tremendous speed without any machine or contraption to anywhere in the universe for as long as you like and come back whenever you want.

Just as Heylel, the Devil, and cohorts eat nothing, so also you will find that you don’t only not have to eat to remain alive in the paradise, but also you will be able to go anywhere in the universe and stay there as long as possible without eating. Beautiful life and existence.

This is a taste in the pudding of the paradise life coming upon the earth will basically be. It will be so stupendously beautiful that it is best experienced. 

After the first few weeks or months, you will begin to see people forming into groups according to the language that they will be speaking, especially the dialect that they will be speaking, which will be the language and dialect that they are now presently speaking on earth. This implies that people will begin to form their present tribes and communities again; the world will eventually be formed into independent and autonomous tribes that will become the new nations on earth, with no tribe colonising and ruling any other tribe. You and everybody worldwide will be independent and autonomous human beings living and existing in such communities but with no rules and regulations to follow because you and everybody will be living in holiness, which needs no law, rules and regulations.

We will give you full details of what will follow your first few weeks in the coming paradise and what the whole world will be like as a paradise when we come to the discussion on the paradise in details later on.

But for the meantime, this is the taste of the pudding, the coming paradise. Is it not sweet? Surely it is but wait and see how actually it will be in reality in the paradise if and when you get there. In reality, it is far beyond sweetness.   

However, you will only be able to enjoy all these and far more if you become qualified in this present life that you are living by beginning to practise to become paradise personality inwardly now by beginning to practise the paradise life by beginning to practise living in absolute peacefully and harmonious coexistence with everybody around you. Without your noticing it, this will gradually transform the evil nature in you into one of “righteousness that tends to holiness” that will qualify you to be in the paradise, which is our message and mission in this ministry and on this website. 

Won’t you take interest in the matter and decide to be there and spend your everlasting life there? If you want to, at least, give it a try, continue with us to the end.

But, before we begin to dig into the matter of the coming paradise in details, it is very necessary to first make you realise that the time, in fact, the very generation, in which the creator will inaugurate the new paradise, “the time of the end”, has come. It is this very generation that you are living in.

Hence, our next article is The Time Of The End proper. Click on it to continue with us or go back to Tracts.