“The time of the end” proper.

“The time of the end” proper is the time that the creator will actually restore his paradise upon planet earth forever, resulting in all creatures not qualified to be there automatically disappearing to hell forever.

To the atheist, who because of his disaffection and aversion for anything “god” or religious, and hence, takes no interest in anything that smells “god”, “the time of the end” may mean nothing. 

To the religious, “the time of the end” means different things to different people depending on their brand of religion and religious beliefs. For example,

(a) to the Jews of Judaism, it generally means “the last end of the indignation” of the creator (Dan 8:19), first against the Jews, then against mankind as a whole for not being able to live in absolute obedience to him. Therefore, the time of the return of the Messiah to establish upon them the kingdom of Yahuah, promised to Abram and to the children of Jacob at mount Sinai, which they refused to enter at his first advent.

(b) To the Christians and most other religionists, “the time of the end” is unknown but a similar term, “the end-time”, a term that doesn’t exist in any sacred book, not even in the Christian document of faith, the NT, is otherwise popular. “The end-time” sounds similar to “the time of the end” but it is far from being the same. To religionists in general, “the end-time”, otherwise, “the last days”, refers to Eschatology – beliefs concerning the final  events of history or the destiny of humanity; the time of the prophesied end of the world, armageddon; the time of apocalyptic and post- apocalyptic events, of global catastrophies and scenarios, of societal collapse, of human extinction, of going to the Paradise or Kingdom in heaven or wherever it will be, of predictions and claims for the Second Coming, etc., which are founded on Christianity.

The Jewish understanding, being secular though now religionised, is more realistic, while the religious “end-time” is more fictitious.  


“The time of the end” in general began with the choice and call of the man, Abram, about 4,000 years ago but “the time of the end” proper, the end of “the time of the end”, began at the end of WW2 and will end on the Resurrection Day, the day the new paradise will be inaugurated upon earth.  

Why WW2 appropriately signalled “the end”.

The creator created the earth in the likeness of paradise heaven but with mammals to live and exist in it in common possession and ownership and in perfect peaceful and harmonious coexistence.

He created the first man, ‘adam (being or creature from the soil), "in his likeness" inwardly and ordained him to live in absolute obedience to him for perfect harmony with him and perfect peaceful and harmonious coexistence among themselves forever, as among the angels in paradise heaven.

Being the only mammal "in the likeness" of the creator, and the crown of his creation, the creator made man the controller, manager, of the earth on his behalf.  

Heylel, an archangel and a covering cherub, who, through planning to establish a kingdom in the north of heaven (Isa 14:12-14), which plan failed, the nature or spirit of disharmony (evil) entered him, thus becoming Satan, the Devil, disappeared from heaven with his cohorts and found his way to the earth after its creation had been completed.

The Devil successfully seized the management and control of the earth from man and became the manager and controller over planet earth and everything in it, including man, by deceiving man to disobey the creator, which, not only resulted in man becoming evil in nature like him, losing the paradise, but also resulted in man becoming subject and enslaved to him. Heylel, the Devil, became manager and controller of the earth, having full authority and power over man and everything on the planet. 

The creator, for reasons we shall know later, decided to allow this status quo to remain for millions of years before taking over the earth and restoring a new paradise over it.

When the time reached to take the planet and man back from the Devil, the creator initiated the plan through the man, Abram, out of whom he created the children of Jacob, his grandson, to be the first humans upon whom he would establish his new paradise. They failed to meet up with the conditions of qualifying to inherit the paradise, which was becoming exactly like pristine man, 'adam, a being in "his likeness" and living in absolute obedience to him that resulted in living and existing in perfect peaceful and harmonious coexistence with each other. They failed to qualify for the paradise because (a) they misunderstood and assumed, and still do so till today, that being direct descendants of Abram qualifies them to automatically inherit the paradise instead of individually living in absolute obedience to the creator that should result in them in personal "righteousness that tends to holiness" that the creator demanded from them at Mount Sinai to qualify for the paradise (Ex 19:5); (b) they were doing religionism, Judaism, counting on animal atonement sacrifice that they believe made them "righteous" through imputed "righteousness", instead of being personally righteous through living in absolute obedience to the creator that was to result in personal "righteousness that tends to holiness" demanded at Sinai. Hence, the paradise did not come over them, even till today.

The creator offered the opportunity to qualify for the new paradise to the rest of mankind, the Gentiles, who, instead of individually living in absolute obedience to the creator, as demanded at mount Sinai, which condition they didn’t know about but were to know about through the messengers of the paradise that he sent to them, they not only (a) killed the messengers of the paradise and (b) continued doing religionism but also (c) created new religions, Christianity, Islam, etc., that today number 4,300 worldwide, counting on human/animal atonement sacrifices that they believe make them "righteous" through imputed "righteousness" upon them, instead of personal individual righteousness through living in absolute obedience to the creator that results in personal "righteousness that tends to holiness" to qualify for the new paradise coming upon the earth.

The Devil compounded their situation by occupying them with intertribal and international wars that culminated in WW1 ad WW2. Unknown to them, the Devil was planning to graduate the wars to the level of destroying all living things on planet earth, in particular man, seeing that the time given to them, and mankind in general, to enter the paradise had come to the end, and the next thing would be for the creator to consummate his new paradise on earth, which implied the end of his usurpation, management, control and reign over the earth.

However, at the nick of time when he had made man to develop the mass destructive nuclear weapons, with which he intended to make man destroy the earth and close the opportunity of the creator consummating his paradise over man, the creator stepped in and put an end to the Devil's plans and ended the wars.

The development of nuclear weapons, creating the potential of man destroying himself and all living things on planet earth, was a dangerous precipice that the Devil pushed man to, but the creator forestalled it and decided to close the time that he gave to the Gentiles, “the time of the Gentiles”, and consummate his new paradise on earth.

Thus, the end of WW2 became the end of "the time of the end", "the time of the end" proper.    

“The time of the end” proper.

“The time of the end” in general is "the time of the end of the indignation of the creator against mankind as a whole for not being able to live in absolute obedience to him". After having given all mankind the opportunity to qualify for his new paradise by the end of WW2, there was no more reason for the indignation to continue but for him to consummate his paradise over those that had lived in personal "righteousness that tended to holiness" and so the creator logically decided to initiate plans to consummate his new paradise on earth, starting with the end of WW2, that we term "the time of the end proper". 

“The time of the end” proper is the period of time between the end of WW2 and the resurrection day. The period is to give the generations of men after WW2 the opportunity to hear, understand and prepare to qualify for the paradise that is coming upon the planet in their own generation, which most of them know absolutely nothing about. The first part of the period, a generation, 1946-2016, according to the creator, was “the period of Mercy”, and the second part, 2017 to the resurrection day, is “the period of Judgement”, at the end of which he will unfailingly consummate his new paradise. 

a.       The period of Mercy.

The period of Mercy began with the period of the decolonisation of the world after WW2, 1945-1960. “The time of the end” proper began in 1946 with the decolonisation of the world, the return of sovereignty to the nations. The creator gave a whole generation, the next 70 years (1946-2016) to all the nations and peoples of the earth to gather themselves from the trauma of the WWs and re-establish and reorganize themselves into peaceful sovereign nations again in preparation for his paradise coming upon the planet. This period, “the period of Mercy”, ended in 2016.

b.     The period of Judgement.

"The period of Judgement", starting 2017, is the real period of time given to all men on earth to qualify for the paradise coming upon the earth.

It will mainly consist of the period of “the proclamation of the coming paradise” during which period, the message and invitation to qualify for the paradise will reach all men in absolutely all nations of the earth, even in the remotest jungles and deserts of the earth, as ”a witness” that the last opportunity to qualify for the coming paradise is being given to them and all men on earth.

The period is called “the period of Judgement” in the sense that it is the period of determining, assessing, etc., those that qualify to inherit the coming paradise by their nature, character and behaviour, their personality, whether they are in line with the creator's demand of living in perfect peaceful and harmonious coexistence with their fellow men, resulting in personal "righteousness that tends to holiness", the sole condition of qualifying for the coming paradise, in them, or not.

There will be no court judgement, spiritual or physical, to decide who qualifies or not, as the religionists propagate.


Timeline of the period of Judgement.

The timeline of the period of Judgement, starting 2017 and ending at resurrection, is not as definite as one would wish but will approximately be as follows:

- It began in 2017. 

- The entire period is in two discernable parts, the period of preparations to proclaim the imminence of the paradise and the actual period given to all men to become qualified for the paradise.

- The second part is clear. It is based upon the precedence of the case of the children of Jacob being led by Moses out of Egypt, which symbolised the world ruled by the Devil and in which they were in slavery to the Devil like all men on earth, to the Promised Land, which represented the imminent Paradise on earth, “the land flowing with milk and honey”.

The journey took 40 years. Based upon this symbolic precedence, the period that the creator would assigned to all men, for the last man on earth to hear the proclamation of the imminent consummation of his paradise on earth and to get ready for it through becoming transformed inwardly in nature into the paradise personality (born again) to end on the resurrection day, will be 40 years, the last 40 years.    

- Therefore, the  period in-between, the period of preparation and actual proclamation to reach the very last man on earth, is therefore, the period between 2017 and the beginning of the 40 years, and therefore, a period of maximum 30 years. This period is not definite and cannot be definite because whether all men on earth hear the paradise message or not, at the end of the 30 years of the proclamation of the paradise message, the last 40 years given to all men officially to become transformed in nature into the paradise personality, will begin, making the period of Judgement 70 years, a whole generation.

But if the last man on earth hears the message and gets the opportunity to be transformed and qualify for the paradise before the end of the 30 years is reached, the 40-year countdown to the paradise would therefore, begin earlier and the paradise would come before the end of the generation.

The point is that the time the resurrection day, the day of the inauguration of the paradise, depends on when the proclamation of the paradise message will reach the last man on earth, which cannot be determined by any man, not even the proclaimers or the creator but it will not last more than 30 years. Hence no man knows the day of resurrection. Therefore, depending on how fast the proclamation gets to the last man on earth, which period is not certain but would not be more than 30 years from the beginning of the generation, 2017, the paradise will be inaugurated latest 2087 or earlier.

- All the troubles, problems, oppositions, hindrances, etc., that the Devil has been manifesting since after the pristine paradise, and which he will continue to manifest during the period of Judgement, in particular to discourage and prevent as many people as possible worldwide from being concerned with living to qualify for the paradise life, and the proclamation from reaching the ends of the earth, will be climaxed and end during this period but they will not make the creator extend the period of Judgement above 70 years, whether the last man hears the proclamation or not. 

- The resurrection day, the day of the inauguration of the paradise and the day all human souls ever created, dead and alive, will resurrect, will follow the period of Judgement. The souls qualified to inherit the paradise will resurrect, appear and remain on earth. The living souls unqualified will disintegrate into sand in the twinkling of an eye throughout the world and their souls will join the unqualified souls in the spiritual realm and they will all go into be eternal self-exile and imprisonment in hell, the Dudael of the spirit realm. 


“Time of the end”, different stroke to different folks.  

To man in general, the world, it is the time of the unfailing consummation of the paradise of the creator over him and planet earth forever.

To religionists, it is the time of the end of the indignation of the creator against man for not being able to live in absolute obedience to him.

To the angels in heaven and to the evil, disharmonious angels, Heylel and cohorts, on earth, it is “the time of the end” of the period that the creator has allowed them to see firsthand what evil and disharmony is, the effect and the eternal consequence upon creatures.

To the creator, it is (a) the end of his indignation against angels and man for becoming evil and disharmonious and their not being able to live in absolute obedience to him; (b) the end of man being guinea pigs for the angels, faithful and evil, to see and understand the consequences of disharmony; (c) the end of the time of practically learning the lessons of being evil (disharmonious), (d) the time of his unfailing consummation of his new paradise upon planet earth forever and (e) the time for the evil and disharmonious beings, spirit Heylel and cohorts and physical man, to see the consequence and receive the eternal reward of their being and remaining evil, disharmonious beings, by their eternal exile into “the outer darkness”, the absolutely empty wilderness and desert of the spirit realm, hell, forever.

“The time of the end” is different things to different people but the end is the same thing – all creatures ever created will be divided into two, some in the blissful paradise, in heaven and on earth under the creator as Baba, and the others in the empty wilderness of the spirit realm, hell, forever.

Whatever “the time of the end” may mean to you, the choice where you spend eternity is yours.


Now that you have seen who we are, our message, our mission, what the coming paradise will be like to you personally and that man is actually living in the very generation that the creator will unfailing consummate his new paradise upon this planet, let us now go into full discussion about the paradise and how you will qualify to inherit it, starting with discussions on the creator and his precedent creations, in the following sequence:

1. The creator, to lay the foundation of the characteristics of the paradise.

2. The creation in heaven, the first paradise, to give you knowledge of the precedent life and existence there for you to see the beginning and necessity of the characteristics of the coming paradise.

3. The earthly creation to appreciate its existence.

4. The coming paradise, to fully appreciate and become ready to inherit it.


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