Summary of creator’s personality.

This summary of the creator’s personality gives us a basic idea of who he is fundamentally as a being by himself, that  is, in nature, upon which we can then expatiate to know and understand him generally as creatures see and understand him in their relationships with him.

This summary is also necessary for us to understand the basis upon which he has made the creations the way they are.

The summary is also necessary for us to see and know the truth about the many false ideas and teachings that religions have made and spread about him. The truths will surprise you but you will know within you that they are absolutely true unless you choose to remain biased by your religious beliefs.


The creator fundamentally in himself as a being.

Fundamentally, the creator in himself as a being before he made creation is, in nature, spirit, eternal, holy and omnipresent.

1. Spirit.

As physical beings, we can only understand his being spirit in the sense that his body is not like our own body that is made of atoms and molecules that separately and individually exist on their own but have been brought together by a force to form our human body, our shape and form, as an object like every other object on earth and in the universe, the physical realm, that can disintegrate back into the original discreet atoms and molecules that formed it when the binding force is removed or dies, which is what is called “death” in earthly living things.

Comparatively, his being spirit means that he cannot disintegrate and therefore, he exists and remains what he is forever.

On the other hand, since, as the creator, he builds and forms his creations and creatures out of some forms of components that he creates somehow, even though out of nothing (ex nihilo), he can disintegrate them all back into their original components that, in turn, he can disintegrate further, even into nothingness.  


2. Eternal.

Since he cannot disintegrate and therefore, cannot stop existing, his existence is endless, which is what is referred to as being eternal. Of his being eternal, we can simply say that he always is, self-existent, has no beginning and has no end, cannot go out of existence, etc.

And being a living being, life in him is eternal. He is therefore, he is “eternal life” and consequently, “life” itself. And being creator, he is the giver of life.

As giver of life, his creatures can only be eternal as long as he doesn’t disintegrate them.

Time is absolutely meaningless to him and only exists relative to his creatures and creations that have a beginning and therefore, a possible end.    

3. Holy.

His being holy means that he is not only absolutely perfect but absolutely pure, such that there is absolutely nothing impure, imperfect or unholy about him and in him, and absolutely nothing impure, imperfect or unholy can affect, pollute or change him. He is immutable, eternally remaining who and what he is.

The keyword about holiness is “absolute”, implying, as absolute perfection and purity, absolutely nothing can be better or higher.

4. Omnipresent.

Being omnipresent, he is, in human terms, a vast and limitless being that surrounds and fills absolutely everywhere, every object and everything that exists, as our universe is a vast and endless space that fills and surrounds absolutely everything in the endless, vast universe.

 This omnipresent state is his permanent, stationary state of being and existence, just as the space and air permanently exist everywhere, surround and fill absolutely everywhere and everything wherever they are in the physical realm.

This implies that though the creator has a body, the body has no form and shape and no recognisable parts as his creatures have. He has no legs to move, no mouth to speak, no eyes to see, no skin to feel, no hand to touch, no nose to smell, no ears to hear, no hands and fingers to hold and do anything, etc. That is, he has no visible parts or appendages with which he performs.

He is not concrete, implying no solidity and no measurable dimensions.  

This makes it very hard, even impossible, for his creatures to have the right concept or perspective of him. Or what does space and air around you look like? Some people, having a near correct concept of him, refer to him as “Consciousness” for lack of better word and expression but that itself tells you nothing about his omnipresence.

Omnipresent yet he moves, speaks, sees, feels, touches, senses, smells, tastes, hears, etc., and even carries objects in both spirit and physical realms. 

Therefore, since he performs absolutely all actions and deeds that he needs to perform without problems, the creator needs not change his fundamental state and form of omnipresence to do anything. He can remain, and actually remains, 100% omnipresent eternally in absolutely all conditions and circumstances.

The creator in relation to his creations.

The relationship of the creator with his creation, the creatures ad the nature that sustains them, is mainly dictated and based on his nature of omnipresence.

Being fundamentally omnipresent, he fills his entire creation and dwells in absolutely all creatures. This makes his relationship with them, not only the most possible personal relationship ever butb also an absolutely spiritual relationship, which can only work, and actually works, through the compatibility of absolutely each creature with him in the mind (spiritually) and in harmony of thoughts, nature and character, leading and resulting in peaceful and harmonious spiritual coexistence of each and all creatures with him, a perfectly spiritual coexistence.

Being not discreet and concrete, he does not bodily coexist with his creatures that are all discreet and concrete. Therefore, his coexistence, being spiritual inside the creatures and not bodily and externally, he does not, and cannot exercise bodily outward rule, power, authority and control over them, in particular, over their actions and behaviours, as creatures, who are concrete and discreet, can only do over each other.

The creator being omnipresent and not concrete makes the huge difference between the mode of relationship between him and his creatures to be spiritual, inwardly and internally, and that of the creatures with each other, which is basically bodily, outwardly and eternally.

Therefore, his relationship with creatures is heart-to-heart, mind-to-mind, absolutely spiritually, inwardly, in nature and character, and not outwardly in actions and behaviours. Hence, he does not exercise power, authority, rule and control over the actions and behaviours of the creatures, not to mention instituting laws, rules and regulations for them to obey and live by. Hence, the necessity of the creatures willingly on their own living in a relationship of mutual love, kindness, mercy, goodness, oneness, peaceful and harmonious coexistence with each other and whoever is not doing so and not willing to do so is out on his own.

Reading in between and properly understanding the above fundamental nature and characteristics of the creator, we can see that, being omnipresent in his creatures, he has the characteristics of “commonality”.  

Spirit of commonality.

This is the spirit or nature of having, sharing, using and enjoying absolutely everything in common with others, demonstrated at its highest peak by his sharing himself in his omnipresence, and logically all his attributes, with his entire creations to one degree or the other.

This is an aspect of the creator that is both a nature and an attribute, the spirit of commonality. It is a most outstanding aspect of him that needs separate consideration like his nature of being spirit, eternal, holy and omnipresent.

The spirit of commonality is a major bane behind his making creation in the first instance. It is the spirit of oneness with absolutely everything he has created - his dwelling in them, sharing himself into them, sharing his nature and attributes as with them to make them sharing “his likeness”, being one with them, etc.

It is the spirit behind ordaining all creatures in the paradise to own, have and share absolutely everything in the paradise in common with each other in oneness, unity and love, with no creature selfishly owning anything personally and also communally in affection and brotherliness, coexisting as family, irrelevant of their kinds and species, shapes and forms and sizes. Commonality is the bane and major characteristic of the community of creatures, the paradise.

In comparison and to appreciate this, the spirit among men on earth today is the exact opposite spirit, the spirit of evil, the spirit of covetousness, egotism, selfishness, separatism, disunity, hatred, wickedness, destruction, etc.


The Possessor.

Being omnipresent, he is present (dwells) in absolutely everything, animate and inanimate, which, in other words, means he “possesses” everything. In that sense, he is the “possessor” of everything (Gen 14:19,22). 

Equally as the creator, he has created absolutely everything for himself and he owns them. In that sense, as the owner of everything (Ps 24:1), he is also the “possessor” of everything.

It is in these two aspects that he is “the possessor of heaven mad earth”.



Since he dwells in absolutely everything, his omnipresent state creates no problem for him to do anything with and for his all creatures or have relationship with them. This however, creates a huge problem for his creatures because they cannot have person to person contact and being to being relationship with him since he has no visible body, form or shape that they can relate or have contact with through exercising their bodily senses of seeing, feeling, touching, sensing, smelling, hearing, etc.

Hence, for meaningful contact and relationship of his creatures with him, he needs to concretise himself into a concrete body, form and shape, which they can relate or have contact with. This, not being his fundamental convenient state, is an inconvenient state and therefore, is only assumed only when absolutely necessary.

Moreover, being invisible in his fundamental omnipresent state, he could very easily seem inexistent, and would ultimately be, and remain, inexistent to his creatures, which could and would present the problem of belief in his existence and belief that he has ordained the way that they are ordained to live and exist, which would result in disorder and chaos in the creation. 

He does not need the concretisation of self but his creatures need it and in doing so, he needs to take on a visible form and shape recognisable and familiar to them.

A most wonderful thing about him in concretising himself is that he, first and foremost, concretises himself into the Shekinah in his so-called “tabernacle” and, in this form, the glory of his holiness appears as the glow of body, which radiates, covers and fills the entire paradise heaven from one end to the other end. Hence, there is no artificial light and no darkness in the paradise for all eternity. It is the same thing that happened when he descended into the tabernacle among the children of Jacob in the wilderness into the ark of covenant in the Holy of Holies of the Tabernacle as the Shekinah. It was also the same thing as the light that shone around them on their journeys throughout their sojourn in the wilderness.

5. His attributes.

His attributes are his characteristics, character and qualities as his creatures see and understand him as a being in performing actions and in his relationships with them.

To him, the ways creatures see and understand him mean nothing because he is always what he is. The attributes are mere understandings and views of his creatures in their minds, which help them to know how to relate to him in such a way that there is always compatibility, rapport and harmony with him. Whether a creature is in rapport and harmony with him or not and whether a creature’s ways are compatible to his ways or not, is most irrelevant to him. If a creature is in rapport and harmony with him, and his ways are compatible to his ways, the creature benefits from relationship with him but, if not, the creature loses what he would have benefited from him, in particular, existence in his paradise.

His attributes, as his creatures see and understand him, in addition to fundamental nature of being spirit, eternal, holy and omnipresent, in human terms, are basically as follows:

a.         Absolutely very good, very kind, very merciful.

b.         Faithful, keeps word

c.         Cannot be wrong or do wrong.

d.         Absolutely just.

e.         Very simple, humble, meek, gentle, lowly

f.         Very peaceful

g.        Very reserved

h.        Great in honour and self-respect

i.         Great forbearance and endurance

j.         Though offended, cannot and doesn’t get annoyed

k.        Loves companionship, association and relationship.

l.         Wants the best and wishes the best for creatures.

m.       Cannot be, and is not, subservient to anything.

n.        Can fundamentally not be sensed (touched, seen, smelt, heard, felt, etc.).

o.        Though creator, giver of life and sustainer of existence, he doesn’t advertise his greatness or vaunt himself.

p.        Extremely humble that, just for harmony with him, brings himself to the level of his creation.

q.        Most affectionate, most harmonious,

r.         Most peaceful, most non authoritative, most undemanding, non-influencing being there is and can ever be.

s.          etc.

This is basically the personality of the creator, who he is in himself fundamentally and how his creatures see and understand him, which all means absolutely nothing to him but means absolutely everything to creatures.


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