The first creation, heaven.

Creation fundamentally.

We saw under the Basis of Creation that the basis of the creator deciding to make creation at all would have been on the premise that his personal eternal existence in peace would be maintained undisturbed by the creatures and creations forever, implying that a creature existing in his paradise abode would be there by his irrevocable decision and choice to wilfully live in perfect peaceful and harmonious coexistence with him and with other creatures there and also be absolutely compatible with him, with his ways and with the other creatures there, and that any creature that would not meet up with this requirement would automatically fall out and disappear from there without any ado.

Fundamentally, the creator is omnipresent, filling and possessing (dwelling), as the owner, absolutely all creatures and creations, which are all discreet objects and beings.

He created them all and imbued them with his nature of holiness by dwelling in them. He gave them all creature-wills to willingly live in perfect and harmonious coexistence with each other in his paradise forever or not.

This way, he doesn’t have to control or rule, and actually does not control or rule, over the actions and behaviours of absolutely all creatures but simply ordained them all to live in perfect peaceful and harmonious coexistence with each other in accordance to his nature of holiness in them in his paradise forever or fit out, disappearing into the void of the spirit realm outside the paradise, the nowhere where there is no place of abode.

All creatures thus individually and personally live in absolute freedom, independence and autonomy on their own, freely from him and from all other creatures but in accordance to the nature of holiness in them.

This way all creatures fundamentally do not require any form of relationship with him like having to live in obedience to him according to sets of laws, rules and regulations, or to recognize his ownership over them, or worship him as anything, etc., but simply to have a relationship of perfect peaceful and harmonious coexistence with each other inside the paradise.

The difference between the angels and man and the other creatures is that angels and man are created at higher level of righteousness so that, because the creator is fundamentally omnipresent and not discreet, they can manage and supervise, and not control and rule over, the paradises on his behalf.

Absolutely no creature interferes in the life and existence of any other creature. Angels and man, the supervisors and managers, don’t interfere in the life and existence of their own kinds or in the life and existence of other creatures, just as the creator does not interfere in the life and existence of absolutely all creatures despite his eternally dwelling in them. All the creator wants and gets from the entire creation is all creatures living in absolute and perfect peaceful and harmonious coexistence with absolutely each other, in absolute freedom, independence and autonomy from him and each other, which automatically gives him the perfect peaceful and harmonious coexistence that he desires from them with him.

That is what creation is fundamentally, which gives us an idea of the basic character of paradise heaven, and on this basis the creator made the first creation, heaven and this is the situation that has prevailed in paradise heaven till now.

The practical setup of paradise heaven.

To get a reasonable and generally acceptable idea of how paradise heaven is practically formed and set up, we need to combine all the traditional stories of creation in the tribes of the earth with relevant accounts of the story of creation in the bible that contain accounts of the paradise, like (a) the story of the creation of the two pristine paradises on earth in the likeness of paradise heaven in Gen 1 and 2, (b) the story of the creator with the man, Abram, and his descendants, the Jews, over whom he tried to establish the new paradise on earth, and (c) the revelations of heaven to apostle John.

However, we need to sieve out the chaff from the wheat, by removing the religionisation of the accounts and by understanding that most of the accounts in traditional tribal stories of creation and the biblical accounts of creation and the paradise are in parables and not myths, etc. The wheats combined are the best on what paradise is like.

 Thus, reading in between the lines of these accounts, we can correctly assume and say that paradise heaven, combined with what we have said creation fundamentally is above, is as follows.


Paradise heaven.

The creator, being fundamentally omnipresent, has no body and therefore, no definite place of abode but fills the entire spirit realm. But in deciding to make creation, the objects and creatures necessarily needed to have discreet bodies and hence, a definite place of abode. Therefore, he of necessity had to create a place of abode for them to live in called “paradise”.

Based on what we gave seen above under creation fundamentally, because he is fundamentally omnipresent and not discreet to live bodily with them continuously, he had to make the paradise a place where absolutely all that would need to live on forever is endlessly available and to bear his nature and characteristics to provide the necessary and appropriate environment for the creatures to live in in perfect peaceful and harmonious coexistence forever in accordance with his nature that would be in them.      

When the creator decided to make creation, because only he existed and absolutely nothing else existed, there were naturally no materials with which to make the paradise and the things that would be inside it. Therefore, he first had to produce the fundamental building material for all and whatever that he would create starting with the paradise, the things inside it and the creatures that would live there anew. Logically therefore, the material was going to be out of absolutely nothing, “ex nihilo”.

So he began creation by first creating the fundamental building material for the spirit realm with which he would create, form and mould everything that he would create in the spirit realm.

After creating the fundamental building material, he created the paradise where the creatures would exist with absolutely everything that would sustain the life and existence of the creatures in it forever. However, after the creation of the paradise and everything in it, it had no limit or boundary but just an open space containing a conglomeration of objects in their fundamental bodies.

The creatures.

Next he created the creatures that would live and exist in the paradise of different kinds and species with various shapes, forms and sizes with the fundamental material. After moulding them, they were naturally mere lifeless invisible creations.

To make them alive to live in the paradise, he naturally had to give them “life”. Being Eternal Life, the very “life” itself, the creator gave them “life”, not by merely infusing “life” into them but by specially dwelling in them for that purpose apart from being  omnipresent in them and everywhere, and they all became discreet, visible and recognisable living spirit creatures with fundamental spirit bodies of different kinds, species, shapes, forms and sizes.

Next, to lay the foundation of achieving his purpose of creation in the first instance of all the creatures living in absolute and perfect peaceful and harmonious coexistence with absolutely each other, in absolute freedom, independence and autonomy from him and from each other, which automatically would give him the perfect peaceful and harmonious coexistence that he desires from them with him, he imbued the entire creation of the paradise and absolutely everything in it, objects, materials and creatures, etc., with his nature of holiness. The nature of holiness made the fundamental spirit bodies of absolutely everything in it, objects, materials and creatures, etc., to glow.

Among the creatures, he made the angels more like him in nature, character and behaviour. He, being omnipresent and not discreet but absolutely invisible to absolutely all the creatures, made the angels of higher level of holiness so that they would have the ability to manage and supervise the paradise on his behalf. For this purpose too, he decided to additionally cover their glowing bodies, which were “naked”, with shinning white garment. 

Additionally, he created special creatures like “the living creatures”, the cherubim, the seraphim, etc., with special and different body shapes, forms, characteristics, features, etc., for special purposes. For example, he created “the living creatures” with the appearance of the angels but have four faces, the normal face of an angel in front, the face of a lion on the right side, the face of an ox on the left side and the face of an eagle at the back side; they have four wings; they have hands like the angels under their wings on their four sides; they have straight feet, the sole of their feet is like the sole of a calf's foot, sparkling like the colour of burnished brass; they move straight forward not needing to turn their bodies to move; etc. (Ezek 1).

The living things there that move, the creator called “souls” to differentiate them from living things of nature that sustain the existence of the souls but are immobile.

Some of these special spirit beings in heaven have the ability to take on different forms and shapes other than their fundamental forms and shapes but only temporarily and for special reasons.

Though spirit beings have extremities to perform with, they have the ability to communicate and perform by mere thoughts in the minds and therefore, don’t need mechanical contraptions as on earth.

They can move and travel at tremendous speed beyond the imagination of man to anywhere in the spirit realm by mere thoughts and therefore, don’t need mechanical contraptions to travel as on earth.

The continuous glow and shine of absolutely all creatures and objects in the paradise, animate and inanimate, in turn makes the entire paradise glow and shine as if in continuous daylight despite no artificial light like the sun there.    

The creator finally ordained the entire paradise creation such that absolutely everything in it qualifies to be there and to remain there by bearing his nature of holiness. Logically therefore, any creature that loses its nature of holiness, becoming a creature with mere fundamental naked unparadisiac spirit body, would automatically lose his glow and shine, and become unfit and unqualified to live and exist there anymore, and will result in its automatically drifting away and disappearing out of the paradise.

Holiness, the bane of heaven.

The most outstanding thing in heaven and the singular thing that qualifies any creature to be there and remain there is its character of holiness, which not only permeates absolutely everything and every inch of heaven but is also the very nature of absolutely everything there, which reflects and forms the character and dictates the deeds (behaviour) of absolutely all the creatures there.

This is so to enhance compatibility and harmony, not only with the creator but also, with each other, irrelevant of their kinds and species.

The creator thus ordained and enjoined all the creatures in the paradise to live in accordance to the nature of holiness in them for them to remain in the paradise and enjoy the abundance of its provisions and blessings forever.    

He logically however, ordained that the day any creature goes against the way he has created and ordained him to live, in absolute holiness, and in perfect peaceful and harmonious coexistence, and he begins to lose his holiness and become evil through doing wrong (unrighteousness), the creature will automatically begin to feel the consequences of his choices, actions and deeds by automatically beginning to find himself being automatically drawn out of the paradise into the void of the space outside and beyond the paradise, “the outer darkness”, and disappearing forever on his own.


The spirit of commonality is the most outstanding spirit of the creator as a person and since all the creatures in the paradise have to live in perfect harmony and compatibility with him, it is therefore, the major factor behind his decision to make creation at all and logically the major spirit of the paradise and absolutely all creatures in it.

Commonality is the spirit of having, sharing, using and enjoying absolutely everything in the nature in the paradise in common and in peace, with no individual creature owning anything. It is the spirit of oneness, the foundation of the spirit of love, the spirit behind communality, oneness, unity, family, etc. Therefore, in the paradise, the creatures commonly have, share, use and enjoy absolutely everything in nature peacefully with no individual creature having and claiming anything as his own.

It is the spirit behind the creator making the heavenly creation a paradise, which the creator entirely owns and all creatures in it eternally.

The exact opposite is the spirit of covetousness, the spirit of selfishness, separatism, disunity, etc., the spirit of evil and the foundation of wickedness and destruction.

It is the spirit of being affectionate, the spirit of fatherliness/fatherhood, the exact opposite of kingliness, royal hood, and royalty.

This the creator has done to relieve himself of the responsibility of having to continually care for the paradise and everything in it individually, by which, he makes them live freely on their own being absolutely responsible for their life and existence.

Therefore, in paradise heaven, the creatures live their lives and existence absolutely freely, independently and autonomously of each other, freely and commonly enjoying the provisions of nature in the paradise. No creature sows, reaps or harvests to get his needs because their Baba, the creator, has provided absolutely all their needs through the abundance of nature in the paradise. Nature there sustains itself and sustains all creatures without the creatures having to cultivate it.

Creatures live in tribes.

Heaven is made up of billions of angels speaking thousands of tongues (Rev 5:11; 7:9; 4:6,10), which implies that the angels live and exist in tribes and have culture, traditions and customs.

Being in tribes, they logically have elders, who are merely guides and helpers, not rulers that administer the communities. The angels regard the creator as Baba, not only because they look like him when he concretises among them and they feel as children to him, but because they also know that he is the giver of life to them and the sustainer of their existence with the abundance of nature in the paradise.

The angels hardly see the creator in his concretised form because there is no need for it. Therefore, they regard the elders, their guardians, advisers and helpers, as his mere representatives.

Because the elders are basically very affectionate, caring, loving, peaceful, humble and non-intrusive in nature like the creator, they are also regarded as “Babas”. 

Perfect peaceful and harmonious coexistence.

In line with the general characteristics of paradise heaven, all the creatures, in particular, the angels, who are children of the Baba, the creator, demonstrate the spirit of love, oneness, unity, brotherliness, etc., and live in perfect peaceful and harmonious coexistence with each other and logically with their Baba.

However, as we have seen above, they are all aware and are very conscious of the fact that any day any of them goes against the way the creator has created and ordained them to live, in absolute holiness, and in perfect peaceful and harmonious coexistence, and they begin to lose their holiness and become evil through doing wrong (unrighteousness), they will automatically begin to feel the consequences of their choices, actions and deeds by automatically beginning to find themselves being automatically drawn out of the paradise by nothing into the void of the space outside and beyond the paradise, “the outer darkness”, and would disappear forever.

Thus the creator basically created and finished the creation of paradise heaven and left the creatures to live their lives and existences absolutely independent and freely of him and of each other, freely and commonly enjoying the provisions of nature in the paradise, each fully responsible for the life he is living in line with the way the creator has ordained.

This is a very short summary on the first creation, paradise heaven, the precedence to all creations.

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