Paradise is individual based and oriented.


Our present world is government based and society oriented, both of which are more important than the individual, which makes the individual very irrelevant.

The paradise, on the other hand, is the exact opposite of what our present world is. There is no government there and therefore, the community or society is individual based and oriented. The individual is the most important thing there and therefore, more important that the community, which exists because of the individual.


The importance of the individual.

Because the purpose of creation is perfect peaceful and harmonious coexistence among the creatures throughout the paradise, its achievement fundamentally and absolutely depends on individual creatures living in perfect peaceful and harmonious coexistence with each other, which depends on the creatures living in accordance with the nature of holiness, the nature of the creator, in them.

There is absolutely no room for a creature to live contrary to this arrangement but for him to automatically disappear from there. Therefore, at no time can a creature that is not holy or, at least, that is not living in “righteousness that tends to holiness”, be found living in the paradise. Therefore, at any point in time, absolutely everybody in the paradise is living in “righteousness that tends to holiness”. Therefore, the community exists because the individual creatures there are holy, implying that the community and therefore, entire paradise, exists because of the creatures living there in “righteousness that tends to holiness”, Otherwise, there would be no community and therefore, no paradise. Therefore, the entire paradise is creature based and oriented, making the creatures, even at individual level, more important than the community and entire heaven.

 In the paradise, the individual depends and exists directly on freely enjoying the abundant provisions of the creator in nature, compared to the individual on earth existing and depending absolutely on the government to provide amenities to live on and on the government’s system of trading, buying and selling, controlled by government laws.

In the paradise, the individual directly and absolutely depends on nature and on himself to go and get what he needs by himself, This means that there are no amenities for him to live on and no trading, buying and selling, to live by, there is no government there and therefore, no rule of law and no control over the individual’s actions and deeds through law. All he has to do is live according to the nature of the creator in him, which he does absolutely independently on his own, that is, no control over the individual’s actions and deeds through law, and makes him absolutely independent of the creator. The paradise is fully individual based and oriented.

The creator does not exercise any control whatsoever over the individual creature, not to mention exercising rule, power and authority as a king do. Hence, the creator is not king and there is no kingdom, which is the government of the king with rules and regulations over his subjects, in heaven. Absolutely no creature exercises rule, power and authority over the other, not to mention on behalf of the creator. 

The individual creature in the paradise has no need of seeing and relating with the creator because (a) he has the paradise to provide all he needs, depending absolutely and directly on nature and on himself to go and get what he needs to survive, for all eternity, and (b) he has the nature of the creator in him to guide him, and not the creator or any other being, on how to live and remain in the paradise.

The individual has an absolutely free, independent and autonomous life and existence for all eternity as long as he remains holy, or, at least, lives “in righteousness that tends to holiness”, the sole and absolute condition of being and remaining there (Lev 20:7; 1 Pet 1:15,16; Heb 12:14).


The community and tribe.

Rev 5:11 says, “And I beheld, and I heard the voice of many angels round about the throne and the beasts and the elders: and the number of them was ten thousand times ten thousand, and thousands of thousands” and Rev 7:9 says, “After this I beheld, and, lo, a great multitude, which no man could number, of all nations, and kindreds, and people, and tongues, stood before the throne”.

A tongue, meaning language, speaks of a tribe. The two references above therefore, speak of paradise heaven being made up of tribes of angels, and because they are “ten thousand times ten thousand, and thousands of thousands” of them, there are hundreds of tribes there. A tribe is a community formed and founded on one language, culture, customs and traditions. It is the unit of existence or community in the paradise.

Each tribe is under elders (Rev 4:6,10) who are directly under the creator. Though the references above make us to believe that there are 24 elders in heaven, but because there are hundreds of tribes, which would imply hundreds of elders, the 24 elders are likely “high elders”, representative of all the other elders before the creator.

The elders being directly under the creator implies that the tribes are absolutely autonomous and independent of each other, each community or tribe headed by an elder, existing directly under the creator.

The individual, as we have seen, exists directly under the creator, which means that no ruler or controller over the angels individually and therefore, though the bible writers wear the elders crowns, they are rulers having rule, power and authority as chiefs, kings, etc., but mere guardians to the angels individually and collectively as a tribe and the crowns are therefore, merely symbolic of their roles as elders and guardians, There are no kings in heaven, not even the creator is a king.

The system of relationship between creatures, in earthly terms, is that of “brothers and sisters”, brotherliness, a familial relationship (like a family).

The tribe is the community of individuals each tribe freely, independently and autonomously existing in holiness, resulting in perfect peaceful and harmonious coexistence throughout heaven. 

The existence of a community therefore, logically and absolutely hangs on the existence of the individual creature in it and hence, it is individual-oriented and based. The individual is more important than the community.

Without the holy individual creature, there is no community and no paradise and no heaven; and if no heaven, there is no creation, implying that everything would revert back to the beginning, the creator existing alone. Therefore, the individual makes heaven to exist as a creation.

Therefore, the individual creature is, first and foremost, the basis of the creation of heaven and is what makes the creation, paradise heaven, to exist.


The community, paradise heaven.

Paradise heaven is a place,

-                      where everybody loves, cares and supports each other; where everybody feels secure through the sense of belonging; where open, sincere and unfeigned communication exists; where each angel feels important, valued, respected and esteemed. No one is more important that the other.

-                      where genuine respect for one another exists, demonstrating love, caring, trust and concern, even when there are disagreements.

-                      Where the individuals and the communities live, exist and mature towards the eternal plans and expectations of the creator without anyone getting upset or unhappy.

-                      where each community provides a supportive, emotionally healthy “family” environment

-                      where each angel, having creature-will, and not a robot, has his own temperament, his own way of viewing and interacting with the creation and creatures around him, where though created the same kind, angels, they naturally have different sorts of relationships with each other through exercising their creature-will.

-                      where their relationship with each other is individualised, reinforcing their strengths and talents and avoiding making unflattering comparisons with other.

·                  where, despite living and existing in a place where there is no artificial light, and hence no daytime and no night time, each angel, as an individual, has some personal predictable routines, schedules, mealtimes, etc., that follow a pattern,

·                  where individuals are happier and perform better when they feel connected and supported by friends and neighbours; where some activities among a group of friends become group rituals, traditions;

·                  where the community and tribal leaders therefore, make such relationships possible through group and community social or civic projects.

·                  where ample humour and fun exists among the angels resulting in customs, traditions and culture, etc.

Paradise heaven is a very happy familial community.


The elders, guardians.

Being a familial community, each tribe in the paradise has elders that serve as guardians, who provide fatherly and brotherly cares over the community, in the same vein as the creator provides fatherly care as Baba to the whole paradise.

Though they may appear to be representatives of the creator among the creatures, the elders are not appointed by the creator, and, if at all, by the community. They are in the position most likely by their level of holiness being the highest in the tribes. They do the job freely on their own, not exercising any power and authority whatsoever. They are simply guardians and helpers to the creatures in their tribes to help, advise and constantly remind them how to live as the creator has ordained. Paradise heaven is a familial community.

This is how the creator has created the first creation, paradise heaven, and derives very great pleasure and satisfaction in it through perfect harmony existing in it and between it and him. It is a creation meant to last for all eternity.


Disharmony in heaven.

But unfortunately, Heylel, an archangel and a covering cherub, a very highly placed and popular angel, caused disharmony in the paradise and not rebellion because the creator is not King, there is no government with laws there and therefore, not a kingdom and therefore, Heylel and cohorts broke no laws that could be counted as rebellion or mutiny.

His disharmony nearly marred the peaceful and harmonious coexistence there but, because he and his cohorts became unholy through becoming disharmonious, they automatically disappeared eventually out from the paradise, which was an unprecedented incidence that came to need proper explanation from the creator to the remaining angels for them to understand and appreciate what happened to them and why it happened.

To continue, click Heylel’s Disharmony in Heaven or go back to Tracks.