The Resurrection Day.


Resurrection means restoration or transformation back to original, pristine paradise form. Therefore, resurrection makes sense only in the context of the coming new paradise on earth.  

The creator created man on earth bodily and inwardly, holy in nature, in the likeness of the angels in heaven. And he warned him saying, “Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat: but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die” (Gen 2:16,17)

He warned man against death, which man knew nothing about and therefore, didn’t understand the warning. But he made it very clear to man that, though he realises that man knew nothing about death, he would experience death if he ate the fruit of the forbidden tree, the tree of the knowledge of evil, which will give him both the knowledge of evil and the experience of doing evil, and he will become evil and continue doing evil, instead of being good and continuously doing only good as he created him.

By this warning, the creator not only warned man against death but also told him what death is but man could not understand and appreciate what he said because he had no idea about it.

What is “death”?

According to the creator in the above incidence, death, in simple words, is holy man becoming evil and losing his holiness. Full stop. Death therefore, is in the context of a creature living in the paradise or not and not in the context of a creature being bodily alive or not. According to the creator, a creature living in his paradise is alive, while a creature living outside his paradise because it is not qualified to live there is dead, implying, that a creature alive bodily can be dead.   

In the context of man created in holiness, the consequence of his becoming evil was that in his beginning to do evil, evil nature would develop and beginning to grow in him alongside the holy nature in him and if man could not control it, it would eventually destroy the nature of holiness in him. This experience is what the creator termed “death” and warned man against because he foresaw that man would not be able to control evil once it entered him and begins to control him, and the nature of holiness would die in him. The death of the nature of holiness in him is what the creator warned him against.

To the creator, creatures are important and relevant so long as they are in his paradise, otherwise, outside it, they are as good as being nonexistent. Hence, death of creature to him, for both angels and man, is the creature not being qualified to be or remain in the paradise.

Since the soul, the real man inside the body, cannot die but can change in nature, death of man, as far as the creator is concerned, boils down to the soul losing his pristine nature of holiness. Since man, the soul within the body, is created to live forever in the paradise, his losing his pristine nature of holiness in the paradise is his death.

Death for both angels and man, their souls losing their nature of holiness and losing their spiritual bodies in which they live and exist in the paradise, occurs spiritually. Hence, it is called spiritual death.


1. Spiritual death.

The creator has created all creatures, spiritual and physical, in particular, angels and man, to live inside paradise forever. Spiritual death is the death of a creature inside a paradise, not bodily but by his becoming not qualified to live or remain there. And as far as the creator is concerned, that is the only death that is important.

Because the fundamental character of paradise is holiness because of the presence of the creator there and, for compatibility and harmony with this character, whoever would live there must be holy. A creature therefore, becomes unqualified to live or remain in a paradise when he loses his nature of holiness.

a. Loss of holy nature.

As we have seen, a creature can only live in a paradise if, and only if, he is, and remains, in perfect compatibility and harmony with the character of the paradise due to the creator’s presence there through remaining holy in nature, character and behaviour.

Hence, the creator consequently created the angels in paradise heaven and man in paradise earth holy in nature like him to qualify him to coexist in perfect compatibility and harmony with the character of the paradise due to the creator’s presence there.

Hence, when Heylel and cohorts in paradise heaven and man in paradise earth lost their nature of holiness, they died spiritually, became disqualified to live in the paradise and they lost their paradise bodies.

b. Loss of paradise body.

All souls are spirits and they all fundamentally have concrete spirit bodies that make them just existent just as the creator, who is omnipresent with no concrete body is existent.

The creator creates creatures with this body at zero righteousness level making their life start existence at zero righteousness to be built upon by the creature through their actions and behaviours to form their personal natures and characters as beings. Therefore, creatures have fundamental bodies that make them simply existent staring at zero righteousness level to become whatever they choose to be. 

In creating the paradise, the creator made existence there conditional upon absolutely everything there bearing his likeness, holiness, for compatibility and harmony with him to give him and ensure the continuous and eternal peace that he desires in making the creation.

Upon creating the paradise, the creator therefore, had to create the creatures at a positive level of holiness, that is, at level of holiness that tends to his own level, say about 50% of his own, to exist in the paradise. This turned them straightaway from creatures of zero righteousness into creatures of “righteousness that tends to his holiness” to exist in the paradise.

This positive holiness resulted in their fundamental bodies, which had the normal dull colour of the fundamental material, to glow. However, he created the angels at higher level of holiness to endue them with the ability to manage and supervise the paradise on his behalf since he is fundamentally omnipresent and not visible among the creatures. He additionally gave them a garment to cover the “naked” fundamental bodies. This garment also glows and shines.

All creatures in the paradise are therefore, glowing and shinning creatures living and existing in absolute holiness, positive holiness, in absolute compatibility and harmony with each other and with the creator to give him the continuous and eternal peace that he desires.

Hence, when Heylel and cohorts lost their holiness when they became disharmonious and evil, they not only became unqualified to stay in the paradise but also automatically lost the glow and shine on them and turned back into having only the “naked” fundamental spirit bodies, which made them just existent, and automatically drifted away and disappeared from the paradise into the realm outside the paradise, “the outer darkness”.

This is what happened to Heylel and his cohorts in their “disappearance” from paradise heaven.

On earth, all creatures, including man, are similarly created souls with fundamental physical bodies composed of atoms and molecules to exist in the physical realm at the fundamental spiritual level of zero righteousness. To exist in the paradise, the creator endued him with his nature of holiness to make him exist at a spiritual level of positive holiness but which is lower than that of the angels, to exist in the holy and spiritual paradise on earth like the angels in paradise heaven. This positive holiness also made all creatures, including man, to glow but additionally creating man at a higher level of holiness in the likeness of the angels to also be able to manage and supervise the paradise on his behalf, he gave him a covering upon his naked fundamental body that also shined as the white paradise garment because of the holiness in him.

Angels experience death in only one way, loss of holiness that outwardly reflects as loss of the white garment, a spiritual death, while man experiences death in two ways, loss of holiness that outwardly reflects as loss of the white garment, a spiritual death, and loss of the atoms and molecules physical body, the physical death. At the end, both angels and man become mere fundamental spirit creatures having no place of abode but to roam eternally in the void of the spirit realm.

Since we are discussing the coming new paradise on earth, we are therefore, concerned with only spiritual death that concerns man being resurrected from to inherit the coming new paradise on earth in holiness.

2. Physical death.

The second body of man, the physical body, made of atoms and molecules for his soul, his fundamental self, to live and exist in in the physical realm, is absolutely irrelevant to the soul’s life and existence in the paradise.

The physical body of man was circumstantial and created for the present experimental earthly creation in which the creator is resolving the matter of Heylel and cohorts’ becoming disharmonious and evil. It is not relevant to the soul of man living in the paradise but to the soul living and existing in the physical realm on planet earth. Therefore, after the present experimental physical creation on planet earth, the body of man becomes absolutely irrelevant to the creator and the coming new paradise on earth, and therefore, its death is absolutely irrelevant.   

When man ate the forbidden fruit, in addition to losing the holiness of his soul, his flesh and blood body imperceptibly began to “age” to ultimately disintegrate back into the discreet atoms, molecules, etc., with which the creator formed it. 

The physical body of man came into necessity in the scenario of the creator exposing and proving on earth who and what Heylel and cohorts had become in heaven, which scenario necessarily warranted the creatures on earth, in particular, man serving as guinea pigs. So that the change of the earthly creatures from being created holy into becoming evil by Heylel would not be permanent, the creator gave disposable and disintegrable bodies made of discrete atoms and molecules, the basic building elements of the physical realm, to dwell in temporarily for the purpose and during the period of the experiment.

Logically, the physical bodies would not be necessary or useful to both the creator and man after the experiment, and  therefore, absolutely unnecessary and very useless at the inauguration of the new paradise on earth. 

Resurrection, restoration to pristine state of creation.

Resurrection for man to live in the coming new paradise on earth therefore, is the reversal of his spiritual death through the recreation of the nature of holiness, positive holiness, in his soul to exist in in the new paradise. The gradual restoration of positive holiness in him automatically begin to restore the glow and shine that looks like a garment upon him even in the present live but because the glow and shine is upon the soul, it is now not visible to the ordinary eye of man but to very spiritual people.

Resurrection therefore, means and implies the restoration of man and earthly creatures back to their pristine state of creation of positive holiness to exist in the new paradise.

Though resurrection would be seen to happen in one day, on the resurrection day, it actually begins in a creature, in particular, man, while he is still now in the “flesh”, in the state of being unrighteous and living in unrighteousness, as his evil nature is being gradually transformed into positive holiness through “righteousness that tends to holiness”, the state that he was created in the paradise in the beginning.

Transformation back into the state of holiness begins with the gradual growth of the nature of righteousness in him through continuously living in righteousness, which gradually grows and tends to holiness. This logically implies the gradual but ultimate “death” or crucifixion of the Devil’s evil nature, character and behaviour in man.

In Yeshua’s teachings in the New Testament of the Bible, it is religiously termed “being born again”, implying the nature, character and behaviour of holiness being born again in man through personal righteousness that grows and tends to holiness. Among practitioners of “divine spirituality”, it is termed “being or becoming KRST” (Krest, Christ), becoming the likeness of divinity, the creator, in nature, character and behaviour.

The restoration of the state and nature of holiness in man automatically results in the restoration of the glow and shine of holiness upon the soul that penetrates through the body, the glow upon all creatures, in particular, angels and man. The glow and shine of holiness upon the soul gradually grows as holiness grows in a creature but cannot be seen upon the physical body of man now but would only be seen on him on the resurrection day except to those with spiritual eyes.

The recreation of the nature of holiness in man and its glow and shine upon the soul, being spiritual, would come into full blossom in and upon man on the resurrection day, the day of the inauguration of paradise upon earth, the day every trace of the “flesh”, the state of being unrighteous and living in unrighteousness, dies upon the earth.

Resurrection Day.

The resurrection day will start and be like any other day on earth but it will turn into the day that the creatror will transform the earth back into a paradise, the day all creatures will be transformed into angelic states, the day that absolutely everything on planet earth will be restored back to their pristine forms and states of creation and existence, for all eternity.

On the resurrection day, the bodies of absolutely every object and thing composed of atoms and molecules on earth, not just of all mammals including man, but absolutely the entire planet earth, will automatically disintegrate and dissolve back into the soil of the earth, where they came from.

Nature, the herbs, air, water, soil of the earth, etc., right from the top layers of the earth up to a little deeper than the bottom of the seas and oceans, and up into the solar system, that supports life and existence on earth, will automatically be transformed into paradise form to support life and existence in the paradise. The transformation has to cover that much, not only to destroy all the chemical, biological, nuclear, etc., pollutions that man has caused through his science and technology, but to also expel all evil spirits, Heylel, the Devil, his cohorts, the Watchers, Nephilim and human spirits from the vicinity of the earth. 

All mammals, man, animals, birds, fishes, etc., that qualify to inherit the earth will be transformed into paradisiacal angelic forms. The flesh and blood bodies of all mammals not qualified to inherit the earth will automatically be dissolved back into the sand of the soil of the earth, the creatures will see themselves having bodies like the Devil and his cohorts, and will automatically disappear, not into the spiritual realm of the earth but into the spirit realm, the very place from where the Devil and cohorts found their way into planet earth after disappearing from paradise heaven.

On that day, the bodies of absolutely every object and thing on earth, the mammals, herbs, air, water, etc., composed of atoms and molecules, will automatically disintegrate and dissolve back into the soil of the earth, from which they were formed.

On that day, the flesh of people with the dress upon them will simply disintegrate and drop off like sand to the ground, and people will change into their “naked” fundamental spirit body, the soul. Some will see that their “naked” fundamental spirit body, the soul, is being simultaneously transformed into a new glowing body with a new shinning white garment appearing upon them, while others will see that their “naked” fundamental spirit body, the soul, is not being transformed into new glowing bodies and no white garment appearing upon their bodies and will start fading and will disappear totally.

Physical problems in people’s bodies will suddenly disappear. The blind will see clearly, the lame and deformed will walk upright, the deaf will hear clearly, the dead will become alive again, etc.

All the other creatures, animals, birds, fishes, etc., will similarly be transformed into new glowing creatures with shinning bodies.

The bodies of things in nature, vegetation, trees, water, air, will lose their atoms and molecules bodies and components  and the remaining part of them will simultaneously be transformed into glowing and shining nature, vegetation, trees, water, air.

All inanimate objects and things made by man, houses, everything inside them (tables, chairs, beds, etc.), all objects outside, roads, vehicles, cars, etc., will simply disintegrate, into sand and disappear out of existence into nothing. This way, the spirit of covetousness to own things that people lacked now on earth and they could wish to possess in the paradise will not exist in man. Everything in the paradise will be creator-made and not man-made objects and things that people will personally and selfishly own.

The whole world will change; the ground will be pure and glowing with no decay, dirt or filth anywhere; forests, trees and vegetation will change into extremely beautiful worldwide garden, all the trees will blossom with fruits ready to be plucked and eaten; the air will be very, very fresh ad pure; water will be very, very fresh and clean; etc. Even the sun will no more be hot but just warm and cool throughout the whole world.

“In the twinkling of an eye”, you (if you become qualified to be there), many people and not all, will become angels, all animals will be very friendly and domestic, the present dirty and filthy world will be very clean and be a glowing and shinning paradise, “heaven on earth”, forever and ever.

There is no mystery or grammar involved in it but a simple reality that the creator has planned to make to happen soon in this very generation that you are living in, “the time of the end”.

If you are fortunate to be among those that will experience this, which absolutely depends on you, you will be so extremely happy and dumbfounded that, instead of asking questions on that day about what is happening just within minutes, not an hour, you will see that you and everybody are simply just enjoying and revelling in it all, enjoying the new environment and everything in it. Your joy will be so boundless that you will begin to run round inside the forests like a little child inside a huge garden, exploring every inch of it.

Thenceforth, despite your whole environment being filled with absolutely everything that you will ever need to live and exist on forever, having become an eternal being that can never die, you will hardly feel hungry or thirsty but you will eat and drink whatever you like just to keep the body fresh. In fact, with the great abundance of nature’s provisions around you, your problem may even be that of overeating, at least in the first few days. 

There will be no night any more on earth because the glow from absolutely everything in the paradise will make the world bright in the nights.

You will never feel tired at anytime and therefore, you won’t have to sleep if you don’t want to.    

You will not be just a spiritual being, no more flesh and blood body, but a spirit being, an angel. Therefore, as the physicality of the earth and of the physical realm does not hinder Heylel, the Devil, and cohorts, spirit beings, from living inside the seas and oceans like mermaids, so also you, as spirit being, an angel, will be able to go to the bottom of the seas and oceans in your new spirit body and stay there as they are staying there now and as long as you like, even live there forever.

So also, just as Heylel and cohorts go to the planets in our solar system and into the space and can live there at will in their spirit bodies, so also you will be able to go to the moon, go to all the planets of the solar system even to the sun without space shuttle and enter inside the sun without space suit or protective gear and nothing will happen to you and you will come back safely within minutes or stay there as long as you like.

So also, you will be able to move at very tremendous speed without any machine or contraption to anywhere in the universe for as long as you like and come back whenever you want.

Just as Heylel, the Devil, and cohorts eat nothing, so also you will find that you don’t only not have to eat to remain alive in the paradise, but also you will be able to go anywhere in the universe and stay there as long as possible without eating. Beautiful life and existence.

You will be speaking your present tribal language or dialect that your ancestors are now presently speaking on earth. Your present tribe and community will continuing existing. The world will be formed of independent and autonomous tribes as the new nations on earth and there will be no tribe colonising and ruling any other tribe. Everybody worldwide will be independent and autonomous human beings living and existing in their tribal communities without rules and regulations to follow because everybody will be living in accordance with the nature of holiness in them, which needs no law, rules and regulations to do.

On that same day, Heylel and cohorts, who are actually strangers on earth, will disappear back into where they came from, "the outer darkness" of the spirit realm. All human beings ever born on earth, dead and alive, and in whom the nature of holiness has not being recreated by the day of resurrection, will go with them for all eternity. Since there is no life beyond the earth, Heylel, his cohorts, the  Watchers, and all evil spirits, the Nephilim, and all evil human souls will automatically drift away into the “outer darkness” of the spirit realm, not even being able or allowed to remain in the physical realm, the universe, beyond our solar system.

The nature of the paradise, holiness, will cover from a little bit deeper than the bottom of the seas and oceans up into the solar system, the area that Heylel, his cohorts, the  Watchers, and all evil spirits, the Nephilim, are presently and possibly colonising as their dwelling place, to totally destroy every trace of evil around planet earth where the paradise will be.

From that day, there will be no night or darkness on paradise earth even when the sun goes down because the glow of holiness throughout the paradise earth will brighten absolutely everywhere on earth far into the sky in the nights, making it appear as if daytime exists eternally on earth like heaven. As the moon’s shine in day time is presently suppressed by the brightness of the sun, so also the moon will fade in the nights in the glow of holiness in the paradise.

This is what will happen on the resurrection day, the day of the inauguration of the eternal new paradise on earth, and so shall it be eternally.

Please, don’t miss the coming paradise under any condition. Seeing you in it on that day.

Dear reader, we have arrived. You have seen all that you basically need to know about the new paradise coming upon the planet to help you prepare to qualify to enter and live there. For more details on the above topics, go back to  Tracts and continue with the articles under Others. If you have questions or clarifications to make at any stage and point in time, please, don’t hesitate to contact us through our email   or by SMS and WhatsApp on +2347056665207. We will respond as fast as possible.

Waiting to hear from you, positive or negative.