Appreciation Of The Coming Paradise.

To properly appreciate the coming paradise on earth, let us start from very familiar ground, the present government system in which all the nations of the earth are set up and we are all living in presently. Let us review it very briefly and, having its facts at the back of our minds, we will then use it as background with which to compare the coming paradise. This way, we shall be able to properly appreciate what life and existence will be in the coming paradise reference to our present experiences in our present life and existence.

The present government system on earth.

The present system of life and existence on earth is under the “government” in which one man, the leader (king, queen, president, prime minister head of state, chancellor, etc.), who in character is a ruler, traditionally called “king”, with overall power and authority, rules over the land or nation through a body of men. The government is the present system of governance in all the nations of the earth.

The earthly government is generally constituted, run and controlled by the rich, who are generally very covetous and corrupt.

Its major instruments of running the nation (controlling and ruling the people) are trade and laws, a system of covetousness and corruption that not only favours the rich and has turned the earth into a world where the poor has to serve, basically in slavery, the rich and the mighty in order to survive on daily basis but also encourages covetousness in man to seek riches and possession of things of the earth through corruption. Some governments use religion as an additional instrument to control and rule their people.

General character of the government.

In general summary, the government, constituted, run and controlled by the rich,   

And much other oppression the government, constituted, run and controlled by the covetous and corrupt rich, has brought upon mankind and the earth, through enslaving their hearts to covetousness, the desire for the things of this world that they don’t have but others have.

Having this very brief review and facts of the present way of life and existence on earth under the government at the back of our minds, let us now use it as background with which to compare the coming paradise as the way of life and existence coming upon the earth so that we can appreciate the difference.

The coming paradise on earth.

In comparison with the present way of life and existence under government, the major character or characteristic of the coming paradise as a way of life and existence will be,

(a) where absolutely everything that every creature, including man, needs to live and exist on is available in more than great abundance forever,

(b) where absolutely every creature, including man, depends absolutely on nature to survive and therefore, and

(c) where absolutely every creature is independent in existence and survival, not only from each other and every other creature, but also from the creator.

Upon this major character of the paradise being a place where absolutely every creature is independent and autonomous and needs absolutely no other creature to live his life to exist and survive in anyway, not even on the creator, forever, hangs the entire life and existence in the paradise, just as we have seen that entire life and existence on earth hangs on covetousness, desire to personally have, own and use the things of the earth that one doesn’t have but others have due to lack and scarcity of the basic things of life.  

That means that, in the coming paradise, each and every creature, including man, will be an absolutely independent and autonomous being that needs absolutely no other creature to live his life, exist and survive in anyway, not even the creator, forever.

Therefore, in the coming paradise, compared to the present life, there will be

  1. no lack and scarcity of what every creature will live and exist on forever,
  2. no labouring to eat and exist.
  3. no covetousness, the desire for the possession of the things of the earth, ruling the heart of man.
  4. no trading, no buying and no selling, therefore,
  5. no money,
  6. therefore, no rich and no poor,
  7. no riches and no beggary and poverty;
  8. no freemen and no slaves,
  9. no servants, labourers, house helps, etc., to labour for the rich,
  10. no respecter of persons,
  11. no preferring the rich and the proud to the poor and lowly,
  12. no payment for use of water, land and air,
  13. no taxes,
  14. no covetous agents and officers that task and oppress people, in particular, no government officials (governors, ministers, commissioners, lawmakers and law enforcement officers, government workers, etc.) to task and oppress people to obey and serve the government,
  15. no laws, therefore, no transgression of laws and losing of freedom through transgression of laws,
  16. no religion and religious observances,
  17. nobody ruling others,
  18. no enslavement or killing people
  19. etc.

These makes life and existence in the coming paradise on earth the exact opposite and complete reversal of the present way of life and existence on earth.   

In addition to this major characteristic, the coming paradise is,     

  1. where you will be a spirit being that is eternal and your body will not need food to live and exist on, therefore, you won’t have to eat but you can be eating just to keep the body fresh.
  2. where you will be eating things as they are in the paradise and won’t need to cook them just as animals do now; thus there is no stress like the present problems of no fuel, diesel, gas, etc., and all the attendant problems of subsidy, shortages, high cost, chemical pollutions, etc., in living and existing there.  
  3. where absolutely every creature, man, animals, birds, fishes, etc., lives in perfect peaceful and harmonious coexistence with the others, in particular, human beings, with each other.
  4. where everybody is absolutely independent and autonomous from everybody else, and therefore, no disturbance or trouble from anybody or any creature whatsoever but eternal peace, harmony, happiness and joy forever;
  5. where life and existence is indescribably peaceful, blissful, happy and joyful and far from being boring, so much so that you will never wish for it to end or want to leave the place.
  6. where you will never be sick, have any diseases or ailment, be deformed, be wounded or die.
  7. where the system of coexistence among people and tribes will be familial and communal coexistence, where people live as a one huge family in communities under elders,
  8. where your present tribe, the tribe of your ancestors, will still exist, you will be living among them in your present tribal land, speaking your original tribal language and dialects, under tribal elders, chiefs, heads, etc., who will be more or less Babas, Elders, as is now basically constituted in the villages;
  9. where the Elders, the Babas, will only be advising you not to do evil to others at all and it is purely your choice and decision to follow their advices or not, just as elders around you now can only tell and advise you to be kind, merciful and good, and you obey purely out of choice and decision to follow or not.
  10. where there is no government, police, etc.
  11. where everybody in your tribe will still be living and coexisting according to your present cultures, customs, traditions, etc., in a secular environment with no religion whatsoever being practised and no evils being perpetrated.
  12. where the tribes will be absolutely independent and autonomous nations on earth directly under the creator, where no tribe will have any political influence, rule or governance over other another.
  13. where, if you want to go and join any other tribe and peoples on earth, you will be free to go and join them without the restrictions of passports and visas.
  14. where you will use your creature-will to live in love, kindness, mercy, helpfulness, friendliness, nicety, perfect peaceful and harmonious coexistence, etc., with absolutely every creature, man and animals, according to the nature of the creator, holiness, in you,
  15. where consequently, there are no laws, rules and regulations to govern people’s actions and behaviours.
  16. where there is no marriage and therefore, no having children, no having family, no immediate (nuclear) or extended family members and therefore, no carrying of responsibilities of others like wife, husband, children, no carrying of responsibility for old people because nobody gets old there and no emotional attachments or disappointments, etc., that go with marriage;
  17. where life and existence will be freely living on earth freely enjoying the abundance of the blessings of the creator in nature and in absolute independence and autonomy from each other and other creatures but under the guidance of the creator in their hearts just as animals, birds and fishes are now forever and ever.
  18. where, because creation will cease to be physical, that is, no more of atoms and molecules, science will no more be that of atoms and molecules, gravity, etc., but of the spirit; you will be able to fly to the ends of the world in minutes without land, water and airborne vehicles; you will be able to go deep into the seas and oceans and reach the bottom without submarines and stay there as long as you wish without dying; you will be able to go to the moon and all the solar planets at will without space shuttle and space suits; you will be able to even fly and enter the sun and nothing will happen to you; you will be able to go far into the universe and explore its galaxies and its depths and return at will and you will have all eternity to enjoy doing so and even much more;
  19. where, if you choose not to live there accordingly, you will automatically just disappear out of the paradise;

It will be the restoration of life and existence that was in the pristine paradise that was on earth for thousands of years, and be exactly as angels live and exist in paradise heaven. It will be heaven on earth. 

For you personally therefore, the coming paradise, which will be heaven on earth,

That is briefly what the paradise will be for you personally, a most beautiful and amazing existence like heaven.

Don’t you like to be there? As you can see, it is absolutely secular and not religious, and qualifying to be there depends absolutely on you and not anybody, not even on the creator, the Baba in heaven. 

To hammer home the points above in general appreciation of the coming paradise compared to the present earthly system of life and existence, let us now compare the spirit of the present earthly government with the spirit of the paradise.


The spirit of government.

The spirit of the kingly government is the spirit of covetousness. Covetousness is the spirit of strong desire for things of this life, things that one lacks but other people have. It is the spirit behind trading, buying and selling, the needy having to buy what he lacks from those that have, which has divided the entire world into two, the rich (the haves, the oppressors), and the poor (the don’t-haves, the needy, the oppressed).

It has further splintered each of these groups into hateful, competitive groups in line with their levels of riches or poverty, employing mammon (money), ordinary paper, as the major means of dealing and exchange.

Under government, money is supposed to be the way to prosperity and means to solve the problems of the needy but looking at the way life and existence presently is worldwide, money is the root of all evils on earth. The more the rich gets it, the more he covets for it; and the more he covets for it, the more evils, dishonesty, deceit, lies and wickedness he has to do to get more; the more wickedness he does, the more problems of life he gets; the more problems of life he gets and the more evils he does and more money he needs to solve them, and he enters a vicious circle. The less of it the poor gets, the more he covets for it; and the more he covets for it, the more evils, dishonesty, deceit, lies and wickedness he has to do to get it; the more wickedness he does, the more problems of life he gets; the more problems of life he gets, the more evils he has to do and more money, which he doesn’t have, he needs to solve them, and he also enters a vicious circle.

In other words, under government, every man ends up in an endless vicious cycle of money, covetousness, problems and evils.

Money invokes, develops and manifests the spirit of evil to the highest degree in those pursuing the possession of things of this world and they eventually get to the stage that nothing they cannot do and nothing they don’t do to get them - stealing, lying, deceit, killing, kidnapping, human rituals, etc. Money invokes desire for fame, position, power, etc., for which people kill each other, do human rituals and commit every conceivable evil on earth to get.

The spirit of the paradise.

The spirit of the paradise is the very nature and character of the paradise that makes it to be a paradise and why it is a paradise.

It is born out of the very nature of the creator, who is very simple, extremely peaceful and holy.

Existing alone by himself in this state since eternity can only mean that he is very, very contented and satisfied to be so. Therefore, in deciding to make creation, being immutable, eternally remaining who and what he is, it could only have been on one and only one condition, that the creation will not only give him peace by coexisting with him in peace but will also exist in perfect peace, implying that all living creatures will live in perfect peaceful and harmonious coexistence with each other irrelevant of their kinds and species.

The first creation that he made, paradise heaven, was on this basis and still exists on that basis. Anything whatsoever that does meet this requirement cannot near the paradise, not to mention exist there.

The creator, being omnipresent and not a concrete being, can fundamentally not be present there as a concrete being. Therefore, fundamentally and under normal condition, the creation and the creatures there exist on their own, each living and existing as a perfectly peaceful and harmonious being irrelevant of their kinds and species, which does not require any form of supervision and control but, if and when necessary, mere guidance.

That is the spirit of the paradise and no compromise with it.

Therefore, dear reader, there is no mystery and grammar in qualifying to enter and live in the coming paradise. All it takes is simply decide to change your present way of living according to the nature of evil that you are born with, which you have been doing since the day you were born, and determinately decide, and actually begin, to cultivate this spirit of the paradise by beginning and continuing to practise living in perfect peaceful and harmonious coexistence with absolutely everybody around you. This is all that it takes to qualify to enter the paradise.

It absolutely depends on you and nobody else because nobody, not any gods, not your father and mother, not your husband or wife, not even the creator, can force you to live the life if you don’t want to. The laws of your nation condemns the evil nature in you, and hence condemns bad character and behaviours in you and your obeying them cannot and has not changed you since you were born. Your president or head of state and all the government officers, teachers, principal, boss, etc., around you cannot help you. Only you can do it.

However, because the Devil is around to tempt you to continue doing evil, the creator is ready to help you but not do it for you because it is not a religious matter. It is your personal and private matter.

Lastly let us conclude with the spirit behind the present earth life and existence with the spirit behind life and existence in the coming paradise.

The spirit behind the present earthly life and existence

 is Heylel, the Devil, the spirit of evil, while the spirit behind

life and existence in the coming paradise

 is the creator, Baba in heaven, the spirit of good.

The difference is clear.

Now, having given you a simple and very brief appreciation of the coming paradise through seeing its vast incomparable superiority and difference from the present evil government system on earth, will you not consider taking the irrevocable decision to seek to qualify to be in the coming paradise? The eternal consequence of your choice and decision now are fully yours now and in eternity.

With this brief discussion on how the coming paradise will be compared to the present life that you are now living on earth, we shall next give you a juicy taste of what will happen to you and the whole world and how you will feel on the day that the paradise will be inaugurated, the day of resurrection, and in the few days after.

Very, very likely you don’t know much about what you will see there. It is absolutely the truth and we are giving you this to encourage you not to miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to qualify to be there.   

Seeing you there.

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