Basis of creation.

The creator is a being that has existed in perfect peace by himself and he didn’t need anything or any being to be himself, to remain himself and to be in perfect peace by himself since eternity past.

He is immutable and logically therefore, in making creation, he would remain who and whatever he has been for all eternity. Therefore, in deciding to make creation, he would not change from who and whatever he has been since eternity and therefore, we should expect him to make creation to be suitable to his eternal disposition and bear the characteristics of who and what he has been since eternity. 

As we have seen, the creator is fundamentally spirit, eternal, holy and omnipresent.

Creator remaining in perfect peace by himself.

Therefore, in deciding to make creation, first and foremost, he needed to remain being in perfect peace by himself by absolutely eternally with absolutely nothing making him to lose his peace or else what would be the benefit of making a creation that would not give him peace or would not allow him to continue to have peace? Absolutely nothing would make him lose remaining in perfect peace by him. And for him to get this, he would need to create creatures that would live in absolute perfect peaceful and harmonious coexistence with him and with each other.

His being spirit, eternal, holy and omnipresent.

Secondly, as we have seen, the creator is fundamentally spirit, eternal, holy and omnipresent.


(a) in being spirit, the creation and the creatures will be spirit and bear the characteristics of being spiritual,

(b) in being eternal, the creation and the creatures will be spirit and bear the characteristics of eternity;

(c) in being holy, the creation and the creatures will be holy and bear the characteristics of holiness;

(d) in being omnipresent, he will be present (dwell) and possess the creation and the creatures and bear the characteristics of his being present in them for all eternity; and

(e) having always lived and existed in perfect peace by himself since eternity, the creation and the creatures will not only bear the characteristics of being personally perfect peaceful and harmonious but must also be in perfect peace and harmonious coexistence with him and give him eternal peace that would make him remain in perfect peace by himself eternally.

This implies that he would need to create creatures that would, at all time and forever, be in absolute compatibility and harmony with him in all ways, in nature, character, behaviour, disposition, etc.

Compatibility with him.

The creatures being compatible with him means that they must have the ability to live and exist with him in the state of living and existing without problems through having and sharing similar ideas, interests and ways in their relationships with him. 

Harmony with him.

The creatures being harmony with him means that they must have the ability to live and exist with him in the state of being friendly, pleasing, peaceful, in agreement and relating well with him without any disagreement.

This implies therefore that, in being compatible and harmonious with him, the creatures must,

And for this absolute compatibility and harmony to exist between the creatures and the creator, the creatures must further be in perfect oneness and unity with him. 

Oneness with him.

Being in oneness with him means that the creatures must have the ability to live and exist with him in the state of being in complete agreement and unity of mind and purpose, which is spiritually or inwardly, at all times and in all ways forever.

Unity with him.

Being in unity means that the creatures must have the ability to live and exist with him in the state of being in absolute agreement outwardly in relationship, joined and formed together with him into one community, working together, complete in a natural and pleasing way and not disunited in anyway, a family.

That is, for absolute compatibility and harmony to exist between the creatures and the creator, the creatures must further be in perfect oneness of mind, spiritually or inwardly, and in perfect unity with him outwardly in relationship. Oneness of mind and unity must also logically exist between the creatures themselves, reflecting in their perfect peaceful and harmonious coexistence with each other. 

Comprehensively therefore, in making creation, this implies that the creator needed to make creatures that would be and remain in absolute compatibility, harmony and agreement with him, spiritually and physically, and make him to remain in perfect peace by himself eternally, by being and remaining holy (perfect in nature, character and behaviours), by living in absolute oneness of mind, inwardly and spiritually, and living in perfect unity outwardly in relationship, by coexisting and remaining in absolute compatibility and harmony with him and with each other, and living in absolute perfect peaceful and harmonious coexistence with each other in all ways, in particular, in nature, character and behaviours, irrespective of their kinds and species.

That is, first and foremost, in making creation, every creature, and logically the entire creation, must be spiritual, eternal, holy, indwelled by him and living in oneness of mind and purpose, in unity, and in perfect peaceful and harmonious coexistence with him and with each other. 

Creator cannot personally manage and supervise the creation.

Being fundamentally omnipresent (bodiless), the creator cannot, and would not, personally manage and supervise the creatures and creation that he would make, not to mention to control and govern them. And since the creator is immutable, he would therefore, have to create the creatures in such a way that they would personally not need management and supervision, not to mention control and rule, by him or by any other creature but would have to manage, supervise and control themselves eternally.

Creatures’ personal freedom, independence and autonomy.

Therefore, he would need to create the creatures to be capable of living and existing freely, independently and autonomously individually on their own, knowing his will and to live accordingly for all eternity.


And in creating them to be absolutely free, independent and autonomous from him and from each other in their actions and deeds, he would need to give them creature-will to freely choose and decide what to do, in line with the way that he has ordained or not and make each absolutely responsible for his choices and decisions, and the resultant actions and deeds.

In being omnipresent in absolutely all creatures, he would only be able to guide, direct and help them inwardly in the way they should live and exist, which if any refuses to agree to, he would need to leave the creature to do his will and reap the consequences automatically.

And because he would not be able to abandon any creature in any way since he cannot stop being omnipresent in him, he would have to allow him to continue doing his own will, even for all eternity if he has to, until he would repent and allow him to begin to guide, direct and help him.

This also implies that, being omnipresent, he cannot “sit” in judgement over their actions and deeds; therefore, he would need to make the consequences of their actions and deeds automatic.

Creatures’ spirit of love towards each other.

And for the relationship and association to be genuine, not pretended and unforced, the creatures must willingly demonstrate the spirit of love towards each other by willingly farebearing each other caprices and whims to live in perfect peaceful and harmonious coexistence with each other.

Creatures must therefore, be his “children”.

In one word, for any creature to be and be able to live and exist in perfect compatibility, harmony, unity, oneness and peace with him and with each other in absolute freedom independence and autonomy individually without the necessity of management and supervision, not to mention without control and rule personally by him, he would therefore, need to create morally capable and personally responsible like him, which implies creatures absolutely in his likeness in nature, character, behaviours, disposition, etc., that is,  “children” and not mere creatures and objects that would need him to his bodily rule, control, management and supervision to observe and fulfil all the above in giving him peace.

The creatures’ place of abode.

The place of abode for the creatures must of necessity be a place where the creator would not need to continuously be providing their daily needs but make it such that all that they would ever need would automatically be available in great and excess abundance, a place that would continuously replenish and sustain itself, for all eternity, a paradise.  

And the basis of any creature living and existing in this paradise would be that

(a) the creature would be there by choosing to unflinchingly remain as created in nature, character, behaviours and disposition,

(b) he would be absolutely responsible personally for his remaining there, implying that the creator will not be responsible for him to remain there,

(c) he would be compatible, and remain compatible, with the other beings,

(d) and if he should become incompatible with the other beings and the condition of being and remaining there, the consequence would automatically be his leaving the place by automatic disappearance from there without much ado.


The above then would have been the one and only basis, reason and condition upon which the creator would and must have decided to make creation at all. Otherwise, it would turn out that he had created disturbance of his personal eternal peace with his own hands, which would be senseless and worthless for his Holiness to do.

he first creation, heaven.

And upon this basis, the creator created the first creation, by first creating the place of abode of the creatures, the paradise, with absolutely everything that they would need to live and exist on eternally in great abundance of billions of creatures of different kinds, species, shapes and forms, colours, displays, sounds, etc., in “the nature” there to beautify it, and secondly, creating the creatures in his likeness inwardly in nature, character and behaviours, his children, the angels, from all of which, creating them all for himself, he derives very great personal pleasure and satisfaction in their lives and existence.

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