Turning Earthly Creation Into The New Paradise.

(the time of the end).


As we have seen, the earthly creation is a creation destined to have an end before it started, and therefore, destined to have another beginning. The present earthly existence is therefore, a passing phenomenon destined for another beginning.

The time of the turning of this temporary disharmonious creation on planet earth into a permanent paradisiacal creation is logically and rightly “the time of the end” of the time and opportunity given to Heylel and cohorts to prove practically on earth what they had become as a consequence of the disharmony that they caused in paradise heaven for the angels there to see, understand and learn from as spectators.

During the period, planet earth turned from a holy paradise into an irredeemably evil place, man turned out to be a guinea pig turning from an angel into a devil in the scenario and he saw, understood and learnt the lessons of the spirit of disharmony and evil possessing him firsthand.


The turning of earthly creation into permanent paradise.

After the conclusion of the time of the experiment of disharmony upon the earth, the creator began to look for a man upon whom he would build the new humanity that would qualify to inherit the new paradise out of the existing disharmonious and evil humanity on earth.

It took the creator some generations to find, among all men, a man righteous enough to be the foundation and stepping stone upon whom he would build the humanity that would qualify to inherit the new paradise,

He found and chose the righteous man, Abram, a Hebrew, and called him to follow him, promising that he would bless him and use him to bless the whole earth, and the man did, not realising that the blessing he would bless him was far more and beyond having physical posterity but having spiritual posterity, the “Heikhal Hashem”, “the temple of the LORD” (Zechariah 6;12,13; 1 Cor 3:16) that would be inherit the new paradise.


Abram, Isaac and Jacob.


Let us mark and always remember that the creator did not call Abram to bless him with children since his wife, Sarai, was barren and at 70 years old, the possibility of her having even one child was below zero.

He called him to use him as the stepping stone and foundation upon which he would build the new humanity, whose “righteousness tends to holiness”, the “Heikhal Hashem”, “the temple of the LORD” (Zechariah 6;12,13; 1 Cor 3:16), that would inherit the new paradise. Abram did not know this because he did not tell him. Their being barren was their personal problem and business, was not an issue with the creator in calling him but his being a righteous man upon whose righteousness he could build to transform him into a paradise personality, a “heikhal Hashem”, his “temple”.

He chose and called him because, for him as a man living in the midst of mankind that was evil to the core to willingly choose, decide and be determined to live in righteousness and successfully became righteous by his personal determined efforts, was stupendous and he was a man that could show others how to become righteous like him. The creator saw that if he worked upon this quality, he could be able to transform him from merely being righteous into a man living in “righteousness that tends to holiness” that would qualify him to inherit the new paradise on earth by simply supplementing his personal determined efforts with his divine enablement.

And, if he successfully became qualified to inherit the new paradise, the man would then be able to show others, how  to not only become righteous but also become people living in “righteousness that tends to holiness” like him and thus become their spiritual “father” and of the many people in all nations of the earth that would similarly be transformed into living in “righteousness that tends to holiness” that would qualify them to inherit the new paradise on earth.

Emphasis: The point and emphasis here is that the natural descendants of the man, Abram, were not in the creator’s view here at all except that they too would become transformed like him into personally living in “righteousness that tends to holiness” to qualify them for his new paradise on earth. The creator, in view of his new paradise coming upon the earth,  chose and called Abram to build upon his character of being personally righteous by his own personal efforts (not self-righteousness) to transform him, through supplementing his personal efforts with his divine enablement, into personally living in “righteousness that tends to holiness” to qualify him for his new paradise on earth and be the exemplary new humanity, the spiritual father, of all that would similarly be transformed to inherit his new paradise coming upon the earth. All the creator was, and would be, interested in were people all over the world that would follow the example of Abram and personally choose to struggle to become righteous enough, like Abram, to qualify for the new paradise. That’s all. 

 Abram’s being “blessed and made a great nation” (Gen 12:2) was only symbolic because his “being a blessing”, the creator “blessing them that bless him and cursing him that cursed him and in him all families of the earth being blessed” (v3), which is the natural wives, Sarai, Haggai and Katonah, barren or not barren, could not fulfil or had any influence upon, spoke and symbolised his becoming a spiritual father to the many people from all the nations of the earth that would spiritually become like him through spiritual birth.

He did not know this when he agreed to the deal because the creator did not tell him but this was the mind of the creator because, as we have said, the purpose of the creator calling him was to build people that would, all over the world, become righteous like him into paradise personalities, “temples of the LORD”, that would inherit his new paradise on earth. He came to understand this only later in the wilderness.

Obviously, though Abram was righteous at his call compared to men in general, his level of righteousness was not high enough to qualify him for the new paradise and it needed to be raised higher to tend to holiness to make him become qualified for the new paradise. 

The creator had to take him out of the city life, where the hearts and deeds of men are ruled by extreme covetousness for the physical things of this world, a hindrance to spirituality, into the wilderness to enable him concentrate on his personal development into paradise personality, and be able to free his mind from being continued to be influenced by the world through covetousness and the daily hustle and bustle of social, economic, political, religious life of the society.

After about 40 years of living in the wilderness, unknowingly practising the paradise life of living in perfect peaceful and harmonious coexistence with his wife and his dependants who followed him there, the creator successfully transformed him into a man whose personal “righteousness tended to holiness”, the paradise personality, through supplementing his personal efforts at being righteous with his divine enablement (Jer 31:31-34).

To prove and confirm that he had truly developed the paradise nature and personality, the spirit of commonly having, sharing and enjoying things, through absolute obedience and faithfulness to the creator that results in “righteousness that tends to holiness”, the creator decided to test and prove him by asking him to sacrifice his only legal child, Isaac, to him like pagans.

He sincerely and genuinely accepted but at the point when he actually took a knife to cut the boy’s throat, the creator stopped him. His actually obeying to the point of almost cutting the boy’s throat in sacrifice to the creator, symbolised his having given the child to the creator with all his heart, evidence of genuine spirit of commonly having, sharing, using and enjoying things with others, the paradise spirit, which was all that the creator wanted to see in him, and not the actual sacrifice, which was against his holy nature.

Seeing what he wanted to see in Abram, the creator stopped him and confirmed that he had truly become transformed inwardly from having the evil human nature of covetousness into the paradise personality, by addressing him as Abraham right there, symbolically confirming the change of personality in him into a paradise personality and not changing his name per se. Reference to him as Abraham thenceforth was to be symbolic and a lesson to those around him and knew him that, though he was still physically the man they knew before, Abram, he was spiritually a new man, a man transformed inwardly into paradise personality.


The child, Isaac, who was born and grew up under the very nose of his father Abram, not leaving his side one minute up to this point throughout his lifetime, naturally imbibed and developed the changed spirit and nature of his father, the spirit of commonly having and sharing absolutely everything, not holding back others having and enjoying the same things. Through absolute obedience and faithfulness to his father, this attitude resulted in “righteousness that tended to holiness” in him, which the creator also decided to test and prove through the very same incidence of his sacrifice.

By his unreserved submission and agreement to be sacrificed to the creator, not just sharing but unreservedly giving his life to him, the creator saw exactly the same changed spirit of Abram in him.

The creator didn’t give him a symbolic name to refer to his being paradise personality like his father because there was no transformation or change of nature in him because he had the nature of the transformed Abram in him from the womb and, through personal commitment to live in righteousness like his father, he grew up into paradise personality. The qualification to inherit the covenant with Abram to be the father of those that would inherit the new paradise was confirmed upon him right there at Mamre.


In the case of Jacob, exactly what happened to Abram happened to him, transformed from the dishonest trickster into paradise personality during his sojourn of about 40 years with his uncle, Laban. His cultivating the attitude of being honest in his dealings with Laban and living in peaceful and harmonious coexistence, having, sharing and peacefully enjoying everything with, not only Laban and his household but with his own large family of four wives and over twenty children, twelve of whom were boys, almost a whole village, over the years, successfully resulted in the transformation and change of his old personality into the paradise personality.

The paradise personality was tested at his encounter around the ford of Jabbok with his brother Esau on his way back home from Laban, where he demonstrated the spirit of reconciliation, peaceful coexistence and sharing, characteristics of paradise life, towards his brother. 

Having successfully demonstrated the paradise nature towards his brother Esau, the creator arranged to test the personality in him, as he did with Abram and Isaac, through an encounter with his angel that he sent for the purpose, the angel of the LORD, at the same ford of Jabbok.

The assignment of the angel naturally was to test the personality in Jacob to see and prove that he had actually been transformed in nature from the dishonest trickster into an honest, peaceful and harmonious being and therefore, has become not only personally qualified to inherit the new paradise coming upon the earth but was also really worthy of wearing and inheriting the mantle of Abram and Isaac of being the spiritual father of people that would inherit the coming new paradise. 

The angel, who is spirit and therefore, not normally visible to people, purposely manifested into visible form but still spirit that cannot be handled physically, and purposely appeared to Jacob at the same ford of Jabbok.

In Jacob seeing him and recognising by his appearance and features that he was not a normal human being and therefore, must definitely be an angel, decided and determined, characteristic of him to get whatever he wanted at any cost, that he would and must make the angel to bless him no matter what, knowing full well that if the angel did, it would automatically be the creator blessing him.

The encounter, which was merely verbal encounter of Jacob insisting that the angel should and must bless him and the angel pushing him on to see his mindset in why he is so insistent on being blessed, dragged on through the night, which the angel must have wilfully done (a) to give Jacob adequate time to prove and show his worthiness and qualification for blessing, worthiness to inherit the new paradise coming upon the earth and worthiness to wear and inherit the mantle of Abram and Isaac as the spiritual father of people that would inherit the coming new paradise, which Jacob did through his determination to be blessed and (b) to give himself adequate time to properly assess Jacob to properly fulfil his assignment. The encounter was an exam, a test of Jacob by the creator.  

By the time it was getting to daybreak and time for the angel to go, the angel was convinced beyond doubt that Jacob was truly, not only transformed and qualified to inherit the new paradise but was also worthy to inherit and wear the cloak of Isaac as the spiritual father of people that would inherit the coming new paradise. The deceitful trickster Jacob gloriously passed the test, upon which, like his grandfather Abram, the angel of the LORD, confirmed the change in him by also symbolically addressing him as “Isra-el”, “prevailer with El” to inherit, not only his new paradise but the mantle and covenant with Abram as the spiritual father of people that would inherit the new paradise coming upon the earth.

Most people that read the story get the impression, as generally interpreted and preached by religionists, that the encounter was physical, ending in the angel “touched the hollow of his thigh; and the hollow of Jacob's thigh was out of joint, as he wrestled with him”.  

But contextually and reading in-between the account, which has obviously been religionised, (a) the angel, who is spirit and therefore, not normally visible to people, and purposely manifesting into visible form, still being spirit, could not have been physical for Jacob to handle physically in a combat, and (b) there was nothing physical that the angel could give Jacob that was the point of contention. All the angel could give to Jacob and all that Jacob could get and hoped for were mere words of the mouth of the angel pronouncing blessings upon him “in the name” (on behalf) of the creator, which were spiritual.

The encounter was therefore, a verbal encounter between a spirit and a man, and the end result, mere pronouncement of words, “Thy name shall be called no more Jacob, but Israel: for as a prince hast thou power with God and with men, and hast prevailed”. A symbolic change of name from Jacob to Isra-el, contextually implying “prevailer with God”, meaning prevailer to inherit the new paradise coming upon the earth and also worthy to wear and inherit the mantle of Abram and Isaac of being the spiritual father of people that would inherit the coming new paradise, having proved in the verbal encounter, a test, that he had actually been transformed in nature from the dishonest trickster into an honest, peaceful and harmonious being, the paradise personality.  

 Even Abram and Isaac’s tests that were physical were in reality spiritual, the testing of the nature in them.

The children of Jacob.

Jacob’s many sons and daughters that grew up in Egypt to become a nation that would inherit the new paradise on the Promised Land, as the first people to be offered the opportunity to do so, was symbolic of the entire of mankind worldwide that would be offered the opportunity to inherit the new paradise on earth.

The creator passed them through the wilderness for the same reason and purpose of taking Abram to the wilderness, where Isaac, Jacob and his big family were born, settled and remained, to likewise transform them in personality, in nature, character and behaviour, from the normal ‘adamic personality into the new paradise personality within 40 years similar to the period he took to transform Abram and Jacob into paradise personalities.

If they had allowed the transformation to happen, it would have qualified them to, not only be symbolically addressed as Isra-el-ites, spiritual children of Isra-el, the spiritual Jacob, and not merely physical children of Jacob, but also for the creator to establish the paradise over them almost immediately they entered the promised land. But unfortunately, mainly out of ignorance of what the creator was doing with them, they did not give their hearts to the creator to transform them into paradise personalities, and thus the paradise didn’t come upon them upon entering the promised land.

Worse still they began, not only to mix with the pagan indigents of the land, resulting in their beginning to lose their identity as children of Jacob, people with the blood of Jacob running through their veins but also to imbibe their customs, culture and traditions through marriage and religion, paganism (Judges 2).

During the entire period of 1,500 years that the creator tried to transform them and establish his paradise over them, the one and only compliant that he had against them was unrepentant  incorrigibility and disobedience to him, which left them with the evil nature, which disqualified them for his paradise. That remained their story till the creator decided to establish his paradise over them and sent his servant Yehoshua ben Yosef, ben Dovid, Yeshua, to bring “yashua” (deliever, rescue, save) from their “peyshaim”, the evil human nature, to them (OJB, Mt 1:21), which was meant to have happened within the 40 years in the wilderness but did not, and did not happen during their 1,500 years relationship with him as Jews.

Despite that the creator gave them the opportunity of Yeshua implementing “the new covenant” through Jeremiah (Jer 31) as “the gospel of the kingdom”, that would have transformed them in nature into the paradise personality through “being born again or converted in nature by the Spirit”, they were not only not transformed or converted but murdered in cold blood with the help of their Roman colonialists at the instigation of the Pharisees, who used religionism, Judaism, and ignorance of the people of who he was and what his message was actually all about as their weapons.

They were never transformed and never became Isra-el-ites, spiritual children of Jacob but became Jews. They have remained Jews since then till today, “the time of the end”, still missing the paradise mainly for the same old reasons, (a) false belief that the blood of Abram in them qualifies them to inherit the new paradise and (b) hope that the Messiah, whom they murdered in cold blood, is coming to save them from a fictitious foreign power and establish the paradise over them.

They have thus conveniently chosen to forget that the creator demands “I am the LORD that bringeth thee up out of the land of Egypt, to be your YWHW (Yahuah): ye shall therefore be holy, for I am holy” (Lev 11:45), which holiness they have always falsely understood to be physical holiness, physical sanctification (separation) as a people unto him and self righteousness in obeying the Law.


The rest of the world, Gentiles.

The Jews knew the creator but they turned him into a god like the rest of the world, Gentiles, who were pagans, but the Gentiles generally did not know him at all, except very few, who worshipped him as one of their numerous god. Logically therefore, as expected by the creator, worse things happened to the Gentiles concerning qualification for the new paradise.

The Jews entertained messengers of the creator generally though they were fond of killing them, and mixed the true revelations and messages of the creator about the paradise with paganism, resulting in Judaism, but when the creator offered the Gentiles the chance to inherit the new paradise through his messengers of the paradise, they not only rejected the revelations and messages, in particular, the new paradise message, outright and continued doing religionism, paganism, but also killed all of them in all their nations.

They also created new religions, Christianity, Islam, etc., totalling about 4,300 worldwide today, in which they continue (a) to count on human/animal atonement sacrifices to their gods to receive favours and blessings from them to better their miserable earthly lives and (b) falsely counting and believing that the human/animal atonement sacrifices that they make to their gods, “by faith through grace”, make them "righteous" through imputation, and qualify them for the kingdoms and paradises that they promise them, as against personally living in absolute obedience to the creator that results in personal "righteousness that tends to holiness" to qualify for the new paradise.

They were also busy developing, changing and amending their governments that are based on covetousness, the exact spirit opposite to the spirit of the paradise.

They were also not only busy fighting each other in wars but the stronger ones were also busy colonising the weaker nations, out of covetousness to own them, own their lands and possess their national riches.

 They unrepentantly continued in these and many more anti-paradise practices for about 2,000 years, “the time of the Gentiles”, a period longer than the 1,500 years that the creator gave the Jews because they are more in number until the Devil created and occupied them with WW1 and WW2.

Unknown to them, the Devil was planning to graduate the wars to the level of man destroying all living things on planet earth including man seeing that, with “the time of the Gentiles” coming to the end, the creator would logically consummate his new paradise on earth, implying the end of his usurpation and evil and disharmonious rule and reign over the earth.

The Devil made man to develop the most mass destructive weapon, the nuclear weapons, with which he would make man to destroy himself and the earth, to close every opportunity of the creator consummating his paradise over man and the earth.

The development of nuclear weapons, creating the potential of developing and resulting into mankind destroying himself and all living things on planet earth, was a dangerous precipice that the Devil pushed man to, but it made the creator to decide to close the time that he gave to all men to qualify for his new paradise on earth.

By the world wars, the Gentiles closed the time given them by themselves and gave the creator the opportunity to initiate the process of unfailingly consummating his new paradise on earth. The creator stepped in, put an end to the world wars and consequently to the plans of the Devil and began to initiate plans to consummate his new paradise.

And the end of WW2 became the end of "the time of the end".    


The end of “the time of the end”.

Upon man closing “the time of the end” for all tribes and nations on earth to qualify for the new paradise through WW2, “the time of the end” proper, the chance and time of grace and opportunity for mankind living on earth after the world wars to hear, understand and prepare to qualify for the paradise that is coming upon the planet in their own generation, which most of them know absolutely nothing about, before it is established, began. For this, he allocated a period of two generations.

“The time of the end” proper therefore, covers the end of WW2 to the Resurrection Day.

As all previous tribes and nations on earth had their own chances to hear “the gospel of the paradise kingdom” to prepare to qualify for the new paradise, so also the creator is allowing mankind on earth after WW2 to hear “the proclamation of the imminence of the new paradise” in its purity, the continuation and conclusion of the ministry of Yehoshua ben Yosef, the Branch, and of his apostles and disciples (Mt 24:14), and no more as “the gospel of the paradise kingdom”, which was religionised into Christianity, etc..

  The creator has given the first generation after WW2, which he termed “the generation of Mercy”, for all nations to gather themselves from the trauma of WW1 and WW2 and settle down as nations. This generation lasted from 1946 to 2016.

He has also given the next generation, which he termed “the generation of Judgement”, starting 2017, as the period of to qualify for the paradise. The proclamation of the paradise during this period will be purely a social and secular matter because the paradise will cover all tribes and nations on earth, and therefore, not a religious matter or a matter through any religion (Judaism, Christianity, Islam, traditional religions, etc.), which not all men on earth belong to.

Though the Devil succeeded at making mankind, Jews and Gentiles, not ready for the paradise before now, he will woefully fail this last time because, whether he likes or not, and whether the world is ready or not, the paradise will unfailingly be consummated on the resurrection day.


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