Who We Are.

The End-time Ministry Of Truth is a sister ministry of The Time Of The End Ministry Of Truth with the same mission and fundamental message of the imminence of the creator’s new paradise upon earth in this our generation with the difference that the messages, which are fundamentally secular (nonreligious) are adapted and discussed with religionists in terms of their doctrines, beliefs and teachings in the Additional Tracts.

These additional articles are not criticisms but mere highlights of the religionisation of original divine truths into religious doctrines. They are simply clarifications of our major discussions about the coming paradise on earth which is not a religious matter.  

The End-time Ministry Of Truth is therefore for religionists and religiously inclined people (Jews, Islamists, Christians, Buddhists, etc.), while The Time Of The End Ministry Of Truth is purely secular (nonreligious) and social and for the world as a whole and people like the atheists, scientists, etc.

First, the compound word “the end-time” is Christian while the phrase ”the time of the end” is Hebrew. Ironically, the phrase “the end-time” seems to be the Christian equivalent of the Hebrew “the time of the end” but, while “the time of the end” exists in the Hebrew scriptures of the bible (Dan 8:17; 11:35,40; 12:4,9), “the end-time”, like the word “rapture”, does not exist in the bible, not even in the Christian document of faith, the New Testament, and therefore, not biblical. “The end-time”, like the word “rapture”, is a mere slogan among Christians, in particular, US Christians.

“The end-time” versus “The time of the end”.

“The end-time”, otherwise known as “the last days”, refers to Eschatology – beliefs concerning the final events of history or the destiny of humanity; the time of the prophesied end of the world, armageddon; the time of apocalyptic and post- apocalyptic events, of global catastrophies and scenarios, of societal collapse, of human extinction, of going to the Paradise or Kingdom in heaven or wherever it will be, of predictions and claims for the Second Coming, etc., which are all founded on Christianity.  

On the other hand, “the time of the end”, which, in the Hebrew scriptures is scripturally “the time of the end” of “the indignation of the creator against them for not being able to live in accordance with the Sinai covenant”, implying the time of the fulfilment of his plans to establish his new paradise over them. It is eventually “the end of this indignation” against all men and therefore, the time of the fulfilment of his plans to establish his new paradise over the earth.

But purely from the point of view of the new paradise coming to replace the pristine paradise that Heylel, the Devil, destroyed, which is our message and mission, “the time of the end” is the time of the end of Heylel, the Devil’s usurpation of planet earth from man and the creator, the end of his spiritual control and rule over it through his cohorts, the so-called Watchers, and their offspring with women, the Nephilim, as gods, and the end of his physical control and rule over it through human governments.

It will all end on the resurrection day when the creator will unfailingly consummate his new paradise over the earth and Heylel and his cohorts, the Watchers, and their offspring, the Nephilim, and all unrighteous beings since the creation of the earth will all automatically disappear into the void of the spirit realm, “the outer darkness”, forever.

Comparing the two, “the End-time” speaks of events of history, mere social problems, occurrences in nature and the possible destiny of humanity. Hence, it cannot, and does not, have a time of fulfilment, which make it indefinite time, unlike “the time of the end” that is a time of fulfilment, which makes it a definite time and, in fact, it is this very generation that man is living in.

Therefore, though the name of this ministry is The End-time Ministry Of Truth our message is not about “the end-time” and absolutely not religious.  

Who We Are:

Therefore, like The Time Of The End Ministry Of Truth, we are commissioned by the creator to proclaim the message that mankind is living at “the time of the end” when he will unfailingly consummate his new paradise on planet earth.

Because the coming paradise is for absolutely every human being on earth, the proclamation and message of its imminence is not a religious matter but a social secular matter. Therefore, we are a social secular movement and not a religion or religious organisation.

We are non-religious, non-atheist messengers of the creator commissioned to give the message, to the whole world, that mankind is living at “the time of the end” when he would unfailingly consummate his new paradise over planet earth forever.

Our Mission:

Our mission therefore, is to help as many as are willing to enter the paradise to become qualified for it by becoming transformed inwardly in nature, character and behaviour through living in perfect peaceful and harmonious coexistence with absolutely all men, into holy people, “the likeness” of the creator (Gen 1:26,27; Heb 12:14), which is clearly a secular social matter and not a religious thing.

Our Vision.

Our vision is that every human being on earth will become accordingly transformed inwardly and become qualified to inherit the coming paradise before it starts.

Contact Us.

Website end-timetruth.org 

Email: end-timetruth@yahoo.com

Phone/SMS: 07056665207.

Our Message (summary):

Our message is that the creator is going to unfailingly consummate his new paradise on planet in this very generation that we are living in, “the time of the end”.

People have variously spoken about this matter in different ways since the days of Moses leading the children of Jacob out of Egypt. Therefore, it is no news. The news in it is in the timing, of which many people have variously predicted and their predictions failed, while, according to the creator, the time has finally and suddenly come upon the whole world that he would unfailingly consummate his new paradise on planet in this generation that we are living in. 

And the major message in this is a warning, bearing exactly the same character as the creator’s warning to the man ‘adam in Gen 2:16,17 of coming evil upon him and the earth that was fulfilled in Gen 3. Therefore, our warning in this major message bears the character of being a “sign” to all men on earth of the arrival of the time that he would unfailingly consummate his new paradise on planet, “the time of the end”.

The “sign” is the increase of evil to unprecedented level and intensity in the generation. It was through the introduction of evil into man that the Devil put man in a situation and condition of lack and scarcity of the basic things that he needed to exist and survive on earth (Genesis 3), and it is exactly the same tactics, but in the reverse, that he will use to make man miss the new paradise coming upon the earth. That is the warning and the major sign that the time of the new paradise on earth has come.

Moreover, it has been through lack and scarcity of food, which resulted in trade (buying and selling) and laws, that the Devil gradually manifested the evil nature in man and on earth into what they are today. The Devil will cause great lack and scarcity of food that will raise the level of evil in man and on earth, the evil that man will do and perpetrate, to such unprecedented level that it will not only be very hard for anybody to do good but also very hard to find good people that will qualify for the new paradise, implying that very few people, if possible none, will qualify for the new paradise.

Lack and scarcity of essential things of life, in particular food, is the driving force behind trade (buying and selling), a system of covetousness for money and wealth that, in turn, are needed to purchase what is lacked, mainly food, and hence, covetousness for money and wealth is the source and root of absolutely all the problems of life and existence, the root of evils (famine, premature deaths, pandemics, epidemics, killings and murders, etc.), of doing evil (wickedness, heartlessness, etc.) and of survival on daily basis (eating, drinking, sicknesses), on earth.

The situation of lack and scarcity in this generation will be so profound that people will openly be dying of hunger and will be killing each other to survive hunger. It will become so profound that people will be blaming “God”, whom the Devil has made man to believe is the creator while he, as the main god, is the God of the earth, for the situation to such extent that they will stop believing in “God” and virtually abandon religions, which will make evil to become more profound on earth.

Evil and the resultant problems of sufferings, hardship, survival, etc., will become such an unprecedented global crises that the Devil will instigate man to seek common solution to it through forming One World Government and One World Religion, echoes of which are already sounding, over which they will logically appoint one man to rule the earth to help find common solution to the situation. The proposal will logically come from the Western nations and eventually a Westerner, a man that would commonly be agreed upon as “a man of peace”, will be appointed but who will turn out to be so much against “God”, the creator, and anything God, that he would be termed and nicknamed “the Anticreator” or “AntiGod”.

Under this evil man, who will cause and perpetrate unprecedented tribulations, evil in form of chaos, etc., will reign supreme and absolutely uncontrolled throughout the world that it will be almost impossible for any man  to believe in God and think, believe and seek his coming paradise on earth.

The Devil will assume that, through the man’s reign, he has thus finally succeeded, in fulfilling his old ambition in heaven of having a kingdom (Isa 14:12-14) on earth, spiritually and physically.

Evil that entered man in the beginning, formed the evil nature in him, the very thing that destroyed pristine paradise on earth and through the very evil Anticreator, will be brought to the climax in this generation, and not its mere consequences and effects (problems of existence, catastrophes, societal collapse, chaos, etc.) being perpetrated by man through his evil actions, is logically therefore, the very problem that the creator is resolving to restore the earth back into a paradise and logically too, the very reason and “sign” of “the time of the end”.

This is our message and emphasis, and not the problems of existence, catastrophes, societal collapse, chaos, etc., which are what “the end-time” wrongly emphasises.

Our articles.

Our major articles centre on the new paradise coming upon the earth, a communal familial system of coexistence as in heaven, and not a kingdom. And, since pristine paradise on earth, which lasted for thousands of years, was a replica of the paradise in heaven, it was also a secular, communal, familial system of coexistence under the creator as Father (Baba) (Mt 6) and not a kingdom. Therefore, the coming paradise, which will simply be the restoration of the pristine paradise on earth (Gen 1), will also be a secular, communal, familial system of coexistence of man, animals, birds, etc., under the creator as Father (Baba) and will not be a kingdom like the present earthly governments, nor will it be a religious community, contrary to what is popularly taught by religionists, because the creator is Baba and not god.

And since the coming paradise will be a secular, communal, familial system of coexistence of all creatures under the creator as Father (Baba), qualifying for the paradise is becoming the likeness of the creator (Gen 1:26,27), which in practical terms means becoming perfect in actions and deeds like him logically through practically demonstrating his attributes as your character and behaviour – gentle, kind, etc.  Qualification is therefore, by successfully learning and practising to live in peaceful and harmonious coexistence with everybody around you, starting with your wife, husband, children, household and parents, on to your community and mankind at large, and even animals, which obviously is a very personal, purely secular and social matter and not a religious matter.

 This makes our message not a religious message but a purely secular message personally to individuals all over the world.

If you have read them at The Time Of The End Ministry Of Truth website, you can skip them here.

However, we have added some interesting, explanatory and edifying articles that provide more information and clarifications. They are not criticisms or condemnations of the beliefs, doctrines and tenets of faith of religious organisations but mere discussions and clarifications of the religionisations of divine truths relating to the coming paradise  on earth.  


A. Major.

Appreciation of the coming paradise 

Taste of the paradise pudding

The time of the end proper

Summary of creator's personality

Basis of creation

Paradise heaven, the first creation,

Paradise is individual based

Heylel's disharmony in heaven

The earthly creation, the resolution of Heylel's disharmony,

Turning earthly creation into new paradise

The resurrection day

Devil's control over man and the earth

B. Additional Articles:

1. For Jews/Judaism.


2. For Islamists.

3. For Spiritualists.

4. For Traditional Religionists.

5. For Christians.

Who are you following, Jesus, the Christ or Jesus Christ

Being born again

6. Others.